What's something everyone finds normal but you find to be gross

The world is a diverse place, filled with various preferences of people. But sometimes, Not everything others do is normal. Sometimes, we donā€™t like them or see them as gross. So, ā€œWhatā€™s something everyone finds normal but you find to be gross?ā€ In this article, we are going to explore peopleā€™s ideas from the Ask Reddit subreddit. So letā€™s ā€œWhatā€™s something everyone finds normal but you find to be gross?ā€

Leaving the toilet seat up when flushing

byu/gilligan888 from discussion

Leaving the toilet seat up when flushing might seem common, but itā€™s nothing short of revolting for some. The splashes and germs propelled into the air during flushing can be a concern. 

Just peopleā€™s breath being in the same vicinity as my face

byu/gilligan888 from discussion

The topic of personal space takes an interesting turn here. Some people canā€™t stand the idea of anyone elseā€™s breath wafting near their face. After all, who wants to share their airspace with someone elseā€™s exhalations?

Perhaps not gross, but I am repulsed by holding chalk and writing on a chalkboard

byu/gilligan888 from discussion

Not all versions need to be gross. Some can be simply puzzling. For this Reddit user, chalkā€™s texture, sound, and feel on a chalkboard are deeply unsettling. This is a vivid example of how sensory perceptions can vary widely among people.

Children with food on their faces. And snot.

byu/gilligan888 from discussion

Parenthood brings unique experiences; for some, seeing children with food smeared on their faces and traces of snot can bring discomfort.

Licking their fingers to turn a page

byu/gilligan888 from discussion

Licking fingers to turn a page might be instinctive for many, but it can be stomach-churning for others. This aversion highlights the significance of hygiene and cleanliness in seemingly mundane actions.

Kissing pets in their mouth

byu/gilligan888 from discussion

The affection between humans and their pets knows no bounds, but kissing their furry companions on the mouth is a bridge too far for some. 

Not washing hands before a meal

byu/gilligan888 from discussion

Maintaining good hygiene is essential, and this Reddit user emphasizes the importance of washing hands before a meal. Their aversion to unwashed hands touching food reminds us of the basic yet critical practices that safeguard our health.


byu/gilligan888 from discussion

For some, childbirth or the miracle of life can be an unsettling experience. For a healthcare professional who witnesses it regularly, childbirthā€™s raw and graphic nature can evoke strong reactions.

Spitting, coughing without covering the mouth

byu/gilligan888 from discussion

The importance of good hygiene shines through in this response. The user with multiple sclerosis states the significance of covering oneā€™s mouth when coughing or spitting. 

So, whatā€™s something everyone finds normal but you find to be gross? Share your thoughts in the comments below and join the conversation!

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