Elon broke the world record for the largest loss of personal fortune in history.

The tech giant Elon Musk has broken another world record in the Guinness World Records Report. Unfortunately, this is not about interplanetary travel. He has broken the world record for the largest loss of personal fortune in history. He lost $182 Billion since November 2021 as a result of the declining performance of Tesla stocks in the past year.
Elon’s loss popped amongst the fallout from the purchase of Twitter which went for $44 Billion. He had to fire thousands of workers while focusing on global political debates. Investors in Tesla have raised their voices stating that musk is spending so much time on Twitter while Tesla is suffering. According to Bloomberg news from past December, Tesla stock lost 39% of its value.

His net worth went downfall from $320 Billion to $147 Billion. As of today, Elon musk remains the second-richest man in the world, according to Forbes. The earlier record for the largest loss of personal fortune in history was $58.6 Billion, set by Japanese tech investor Masayoshi Son in 2000, as per the Guinness world records report.
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