Discord vs Skype: Which Is Better at VoIP?

Intro: Discord is a voice and text chat app Jason Citron created in 2015 to become more gamer-friendly than Skype. It has since become one of the most popular communication apps for gamers and even music session callers. Discord’s features include private calls, group chats, direct messages, voice channels with up to 10 people per channel, screen share capabilities (perfect for gaming), custom emojis, animated reactions – basically everything you need to make your online experience better! Read on to find out why we think Discord is better than Skype!

How to Screen Share on Discord
  1. Share your screen: You can share your desktop on Discord, which you cannot do with Skype. Take Your Screen Sharing To A Whole New Level with Discord that allows each member of a voice channel to see everyone else in the exact position they’re in when it comes to the voice chat. Skype does not have this option, forcing each participant to juggle multiple screens and programs while chatting.
  2. Discord bots: Bots help users find new servers and channels; Discord is a great way to connect with new people who share similar interests. With that in mind, discord bots can help you find the best servers and channels for your needs and interests; you can connect with a community with the same interests as yours and can connect with people all over the globe. For example, you could find all the furry servers or channels related to your favorite Overwatch character! You can have discussions, communicate, and help each other out on matters of the same interests. 
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  1. Better Quality Audio: No One Likes To Listen To Echoes. Discord Voice quality is better than Skype’s voice quality. Skype’s quality is okay if you’ve got a good internet connection, but if it’s lagging, the audio quality is stilted, and you’ll often find yourself listening to an echo. On the other hand, Discord allows for better quality audio because of its low latency feature – this means you won’t be subject to echoes and pauses due to lag time! It also means that your internet connection does not need to be as high-quality for Discord to function well.
How to Make a Discord Bot: Simplest Guide - SwitchGeek
  1. Signup without hassle: It’s free, and it doesn’t need an account or login information. The great thing about Discord is that you do not need to have an email to sign up! All you need is a username, password, and server name, which you can select from a list of available servers. In the sign-up box, you will also see icons for Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat. These are the only supported social media platforms right now, but I feel that they will be adding more options in the future so stay tuned! For users already signed into Discord on their computer or mobile device – your username is also your email address. That means you can share one account across all your devices!
  2. The Simplicity of Switching Between Channels: Do you ever feel that your friends are scattered all over the place when you’re in an important weekend session? Sometimes when everyone has gone to bed, do you find yourself wishing you could just be listening to some relaxing music in peace? Discord’s channels are the perfect solution to this problem. All you have to do is create a channel – click the “+” button at the bottom left of your screen, select “Create Channel,” and voila! You can also switch between servers, making it easier for you to coordinate with all of your friends on different servers.
  3. The Simplicity of Switching Between Servers: Discord allows you to switch between servers and channels within those servers easily. Discord can hold unlimited servers and channels, and there’s no limit on how many people can be in a channel at once (unlike Skype). It means that you can connect with friends from different servers and switch between all of them easily! By the time you get done reading this helpful article on why Discord is better than Skype, you’ll have chosen to switch already! If so – good for you!
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  1. The interface is way easier to use than Skype’s: Discord’s interface is very sleek and modern, making it appealing to the eye! There are three main tabs on the home page, including “Home,” “Server,” and “Connect.” The Home tab gives you a summary of each server you have joined, along with your role in that server (if applicable) and several online members. The Server tab gives you a list of all the servers you have joined, alongside your roles in those servers (if applicable). Lastly, the Connect tab is where you will see your current connections and how many total voice connections are allowed on Discord at one time. Everything is simple and easy to find without a lot of clutter.
  2. Why is Discord safer? Well, you can reset your password by simply entering a new one – no need to do anything else! You can also turn on two-factor authentication if you want extra protection. It’s now been proven that Discord is far more secure than Skype ever was. All of this shows that Discord is much more straightforward to use than Skype, particularly if you want to keep your personal information safe. The fact that the company started as a gaming-first platform has helped ensure that security is one of their top priorities. It needs to be taken into account when looking at the benefits of using Discord over Skype. 
  3. Share your music: We’ve all been there: you’ve got the music blasting through your headphones to get in that mood and want to enjoy your night with your friends, but you are alone at home. You have other friends situated remotely who you want to jam with. So What are you supposed to do? Certainly, Skype doesn’t have a useful option here. You can use Discord to share your music with your friends for a jamming session. Discord helps you reduce the number of different screens and programs you’re juggling while talking to people on voice chat by integrating them into one easy-to-use app. it is especially great for chats with friends who are gaming or participating in music sessions. Because it makes everything easier!

Conclusion: Discord offers so much more than Skype, especially now! No wonder it’s becoming the ultimate communication tool for gamers worldwide. With that being said, if you’re looking for a way to keep in touch with your gaming community or want a better VoIP experience, we’re sure you’ll love Discord.

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