Sworkit Net Worth 2025 Update (Before & After Shark Tank)

As of 2025, Sworkit thrives with a net worth of $18.75M and $60M in annual revenue.
Picture of Shark Tank Geek

Sworkit, a fitness app created by Ben Young and Greg Coleman in 2012, makes exercise easy with customizable, on-the-go workouts. The company appeared on Shark Tank in 2016 and landed a $1.5 million deal with Mark Cuban, but the deal didn’t go through.

Despite this, Sworkit has thrived, amassing over 30 million downloads and 10 million registered users. By 2025, the app was valued at $18.75 million and generated around $60 million in annual revenue.

Key milestones include partnerships with Blink Fitness and Solera Health, which expanded their reach and enriched their fitness content for users worldwide.

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Sworkit Net Worth

Net worth$18.75 Million (2025)
Annual Sales Revenue$60 million
InvestorMark Cuban
FoundersDavid Meniane and Deborah Meniane
Employees11 to 50

Sworkit Pitch on Shark Tank

Company nameSworkit
ProductFree personal trainer app
EpisodeSeason 07 Episode 18
Founders Ben Young and Greg Coleman
Asked for$1.5 million for 8% equity
Final deal$1.5 million for 10% equity
SharkMark Cuban

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Sworkit Founders

Sworkit was founded by Ben Young and Greg Coleman in 2012. The founders have worked hard to make this app a popular fitness app. They are very passionate about fitness and health.

Sworkit’s founders, Ben Young and Greg Coleman have a net worth of USD 18.75 Million as of 2025.

Key accomplishments

2023The Sworkit app is recognized as the #1 fitness app by the American College of Sports.
2016The Sworkit app appeared on Shark Tank


From their beginnings on Shark Tank to their current status as a thriving business. They have proven that with the right idea and execution, anything is possible. We can’t wait to see the future for Sworkit and its continued success.

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