Scientists Have Fond New Heart Disease

Researchers found a new heart disease called CKM syndrome in the new study. According to the latest research, this new heart disease can pose a significant risk to one in three adults.

CKM syndrome represents the intersection of kidney disease, metabolic disorders such as Type 2 diabetes and obesity, and heart disease. While CKM isn’t technically a new disease, it offers a fresh perspective on how existing health conditions can impact each other.

Widespread Risk

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), one in three adults in the United States possesses three or more risk factors that elevate their chances of developing CKM. The primary objective in defining CKM is to enable early diagnosis. And treatment for individuals facing a high risk of heart disease-related mortality.

High Prevalence

Dr Chiadi Ndumele, the director of obesity and cardiometabolic research in the division of cardiology at Johns Hopkins University, estimates that over 90 percent of adults can be situated somewhere on the CKM spectrum. This prevalence is largely driven by soaring rates of obesity and Type 2 diabetes in both adults and children across the nation.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 42% of adults and 20% of children are grappling with obesity, while over 37 million adults contend with diabetes.

Understanding CKM Stages

To assess an individual’s risk of CKM, the AHA has introduced four distinct stages:

  1. Stage Zero – This represents an ideal state with no risk factors. Individuals in this stage likely maintain a balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, and do not smoke.
  2. Stage One – People in this stage may be overweight, particularly with excess belly fat, or have pre-diabetes. For these individuals, striving for a five percent weight reduction is advisable to mitigate the risk of progressing to a more severe CKM stage.
  3. Stage Two – At this point, individuals may start experiencing conditions like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or kidney disease. Doctors may recommend medications to manage blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Additionally, treatments such as Ozempic or Wegovy assisted with weight loss and blood sugar control.
  4. Stage Three – Individuals here may have asymptomatic heart disease, high blood pressure, early-stage heart or kidney disease, and may be on medications such as statins. Treatment strategies include heart and diabetes medications and assessments for narrowed arteries.
  5. Stage Four – This characterized by symptomatic heart disease. This has been diagnosed with heart disease, excess fat, Type 2 diabetes, or kidney disease. Some may have already experienced heart attacks or strokes and developed heart failure. Stage four can further subdivided into those with kidney failure and those without it.

Enhanced Risk Assessment

As part of its revised approach to understanding heart disease, the AHA has introduced an extended risk calculator for healthcare professionals. The previous risk calculator predicted a 10-year heart attack or stroke probability for individuals aged 40-75. The updated version now includes people aged 30 and above, offering predictions for a 10-year. And 30-year probability of experiencing a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure.

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