Privacy policy – how to do it right?

free privacy policy

You can probably notice that now on any site there is a section with a privacy policy. And this is all for a reason, since in each country this issue is regulated at the level of laws or bylaws.

It turns out that if the site does not have this section, I will bear responsibility for this?

Yes, that’s right, that’s why the given question is very important. Of course, in reality, if your site is not very popular, then no one will notice you. But if you are a visible resource that is read by thousands or even millions of users, then most likely you may be in trouble with the law.

Today we will talk about this, namely, why you need a privacy policy and how to write it. Go!

Why do I need a Privacy Policy?

We think that the answer is obvious here. The document regulating the processing of personal data of users and posted on the site is nothing more than the rules of the game, which are established by the owner of the site in relations with users. The purpose of fixing and placing such rules is to reduce the risks from legislation on personal data, if necessary, to rebuff consumer extremism.

What is the best name for a section of the site?

From a legal point of view, the name of the document governing the processing of personal data of users does not matter. The rest is a matter of taste for each site owner. For our part, we can highlight the name “privacy policy” because of its capacity, widespread use and clarity for the user.By the way, you can use free privacy policy generator for websites, to make custom and unique privacy policy for your website. Endorse – great free easy-to-use service for generating necessary legal documents for websites or mobile apps. With PolicyMaker you can generate privacy policy, legal disclaimer or terms and conditions just by answering a few simple questions about your website or app.

What is the best way to place it – as a separate document or as part of an offer / user agreement?

There are also no binding rules and no universal template. You can reflect the necessary provisions in a separate document or make it part of, for example, a user agreement.

As a rule, the user agreement contains many features of using the site, which affects the volume of the document. The inclusion of provisions on data processing in the user agreement will clearly overload the document and complicate its perception by the user.

When posting two separate documents on the site (for example, the privacy policy and the user agreement), we recommend checking them for the absence of contradictions with each other, as well as for the presence of links to each other.

Is it necessary, in addition to the Privacy Policy, to post a separate consent form for the processing of personal data?

The answer here is simple. If the Privacy Policy clearly implies consent to the processing of what data and for what purpose the user gives, then a separate consent form will be clearly superfluous.

How do you make the rules work?

We can say that the privacy policy is almost the same as the offer, only on issues related to the processing of personal data of users. In order for the user to be considered as accepting the terms of processing his data by the owner of the site, he must accept the proposed rules, for sure you have already seen these pop-ups on the sites.

Such an acceptance can be:

  1. registration / authorization,
  2. putting marks in the fields,
  3. performing a sequence of actions,
  4. use of the site functionality.

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