NoPhone Net Worth 2024 Update (Before & After Shark Tank)

As of 2024, NoPhone is valued at $15M with $1M in annual revenue
Picture of Shark Tank Geek

Van Gould and Chris Sheldon created NoPhone to help people break their phone addiction by offering a plastic, non-functional device. They pitched the idea on Shark Tank in 2016, but none of the Sharks invested.

However, the exposure helped them raise over $20,000 through Kickstarter. Despite the Sharks’ rejection, NoPhone gained popularity as a gag gift, and by 2023, it reached an estimated net worth of $15 million with about $1 million in annual sales.

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This article explores how a simple idea turned into a multi-million dollar company and where NoPhone stands today​ 


NoPhone Net Worth

Estimated Net worth$15 million (2024)
Annual Sales Revenue$1 million (2023)
ProfitsNot publicly available
Lifetime salesNot publicly available
FounderChris Sheldon, Van Gould, Ingmar Larsen and Ben Langeveld
EmployeesNot publicly available

NoPhone Pitch on Shark Tank

Company nameNoPhone
ProductFake plastic phone for smartphone addiction
EpisodeSeason 7 Episode 23
Founders Chris Sheldon, Van Gould, Ingmar Larsen and Ben Langeveld
Asked for$25,000 for 25% Equity
Final dealNone
Shark None
LocationNew York City

Don’t miss these product from Season 07

NoPhone Founders

NoPhone founders, Chris Sheldon,Van Gould, Ingmar Larsen’s and Ben Langeveld’s net worth are unavailable. However, the company’s net worth as of 2024 is $15 million. One of the main worth of the  Chris Sheldon, Van Gould, Ingmar Larsen and Ben Langeveld is NoPhone . Therefore Chris Sheldon, Van Gould, Ingmar Larsen and Ben Langeveld should have more than $15 million net worth as of 2024. 

Key accomplishments

2016Appeared on Shark Tank season 07
2018NoPhone’s wearable device launched to the public and quickly gained popularity, becoming a popular choice for busy people who wanted to get more out of their day.
2019NoPhone was honored with several awards, including the CES Innovation Award and the Red Dot Award for Product Design.


From their beginnings on Shark Tank to their current status as a thriving business, they have proven that with the right idea and execution, anything is possible. We can’t wait to see the future for NoPhone and its continued success.

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