New Test Can Detect Genetic Risk For Cancers This FDA Approved Test Shows 99% Accuracy!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently granted marketing authorization to a unique tool. The tool is the Invitae Common Hereditary Cancers Panel. It’s the inaugural test of its kind, designed to detect genetic variants that elevate one’s risk of certain cancers. With an astonishing accuracy rate of 99%, this tool offers hope for Many. 

DNA Evaluation For Higher Risk Of Cancers

Let’s break it down. This novel in vitro diagnostic test aims to identify hundreds of genetic variants linked to a heightened likelihood of developing specific types of cancer. It can even spotlight potentially cancer-associated hereditary variants in individuals who have already been diagnosed with the disease.

Utilizing a simple blood sample, the test evaluates DNA for variants in 47 specific genes. These genes have a well-documented association with a higher risk of cancers, such as breast, ovarian, colorectal, and more.

Why Is This Test Groundbreaking?

Jeff Shuren, M.D., J.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, highlighted the test’s unique capability. 

“This test can assess multiple genes in a single test by using next-generation sequencing, which has proven helpful in providing insight into genetic variants with sensitivity and speed.”

Jeff Shuren, M.D., J.D

Such a tool isn’t just for detecting and diagnosing cancer. It can also guide physicians in monitoring and potentially treating based on the genetic variants found. This isn’t just about understanding the present but preempting the future. 

There are more than 100 different documented types of cancer. Therefore, this tool becomes even more important as cancer remains the second leading cause of death in the United States.

99% Accuracy In Clinical Trials!

Reliability and accuracy are important when it comes to genetic testing. The Invitae Common Hereditary Cancers Panel doesn’t disappoint. The test underwent a strict validation process. Over 9,000 clinical samples were assessed, and the test achieved an accuracy rate of at least 99% for all the variant types examined.

While this is impressive, it’s essential to remain aware of potential risks associated with any test. These include the possibility of false positive and negative results. Misreading or misinterpreting results could lead to unnecessary stress, inappropriate medical decisions, or even a false sense of security.

What Should Patients Know?

The Invitae Common Hereditary Cancers Panel isn’t a ‘magic bullet’. While incredibly comprehensive, it’s essential to note that it doesn’t identify or evaluate every known gene linked to cancer predisposition. Therefore, patients are advised to discuss their personal and family history of cancer with healthcare professionals like genetic counselors. This background knowledge can be key in interpreting test results and deciding the best subsequent steps.

A Bright Future for Genetic Testing

The FDA’s approval of the Invitae Common Hereditary Cancers Panel has implications beyond just this one test. This move has set a new regulatory classification. It could potentially speed up the review process for similar devices in the future. This faster review process translates to more innovations reaching patients quicker. This shows a brighter and more informed future for all of us.

Explore the latest FDA-approved DNA test for disease risks, providing a breakthrough in detecting genetic predispositions for cancers and offering a proactive approach to personalized health management.


As we forge ahead into a new era of medical science and technology, tools like the Invitae Common Hereditary Cancers Panel offer not just hope but also concrete information and actionable insights. Knowledge is power, and in this case, that power can mean prevention, early detection, and potentially life-saving interventions.

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