Magic Whiteboard Net Worth 2024 Update (Before & After Dragons’ Den)

Magic Whiteboard, Portable whiteboard in the form of a roll, was started by Neil and Laura Westwood in April 2006. As of 2024, Magic Whiteboard net worth is £1.6 Million and they’re pulling in a whopping £3.64 million in annual revenue. 

In August 2008, they appeared on Season 6th of Dragons’ Den UK and made a deal with Deborah Meaden and Theo Paphitis, for £100,000 For 40% of equity. The final valuation was £250,000, down from the founder’s initial estimate of £666,666.6.

Magic Whiteboard is the original and the best instant whiteboard. Magic Whiteboard uses static to stick to any hard surface. They are still in the business. You can buy their products on the company website.

Magic Whiteboard Net Worth

Net worth£1.6 Million
Annual Sales Revenue£3.64 million
Lifetime salesN/A
InvestorDeborah Meaden and Theo Paphitis
FoundersNeil and Laura Westwood

Magic Whiteboard Net Worth Timeline

Net Worth 2024£1.6 Million
Net Worth 2023£1.6 Million
Net Worth 2022£1.2 Million
Net Worth 2018£444,961
Net worth valuation 2008 after appearing on Dragons’ Den  Â£250,000
Net worth valuation 2008 before appearing on Dragons’ Den  Â£666,666.6

Magic Whiteboard Pitch on Dragons’ Den

Company nameMagic Whiteboard
ProductPortable whiteboard in the form of a roll
EpisodeSeason 06 Episode 05
Founders Neil and Laura Westwood
Asked for£100,000 For 15% Equity
Final deal£100,000 For 40% Equity
DragonsDeborah Meaden and Theo Paphitis

Magic Whiteboard Founders

Magic Whiteboard was founded by Neil and Laura Westwood in 2006. They are a husband and wife team for Worcester UK. Magic Whiteboard’s founders, Neil and Laura Westwood, have a net worth of £166,666 as of 2024.

Key accomplishments:

2006Founded Magic whiteboard
2008Appeared on Dragons Den season 06 and Magic Whiteboard has been rated the third most successful investment


From their beginnings on Dragons’ Den to their current status as a thriving business, they have proven that with the right idea and execution, anything is possible. We can’t wait to see the future for Magic Whiteboard and its continued success.

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