Hoo Haa Headphones Net Worth 2025 Update (Before & After Shark Tank)

As of 2025, Hoo Haa Headphones is out of business; its net worth was $100.
Picture of Shark Tank Geek

Hoo Haa Headphones made waves on Shark Tank Australia in 2017 when creator Capital M pitched the product, valuing the business at just $100. He secured a deal with sharks Andrew Banks and Naomi Simson, who offered $30 for a 30% stake.

Despite the excitement surrounding the quirky pitch, Hoo Haa Headphones faced challenges and shut down shortly after. The company has not reported any significant milestones, acquisitions, or updates since its closure.

As of 2025, Hoo Haa Headphones remains defunct, remembered for its unique pitch and brief run in the spotlight.

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Hoo Haa Headphones Net Worth

Net worth$100 (When appeared on Shark Tank Show)
InvestorsAndrew Banks and Naomi Simson
FounderCapital M

Hoo Haa Headphones Pitch on Shark Tank

Company nameHoo Haa Headphones
ProductHeadphones with a retractable lead
EpisodeSeason 03 Episode 02
Founder Capital M
Asked for$20 for 20% Stake
Final deal$30 for 30% Stake (Share)
SharksAndrew Banks and Naomi Simson

Don’t miss these product from Season 03

Hoo Haa Headphones Founder

The company is owned by Capital M, the developer of Hoo Haa headphones. He has appeared on Shark Tank Australia. Hoo Haa Headphones’s founder Capital M has a net worth that is unknown.

Key accomplishments

2017The company appeared on Shark Tank Season 03 Australia and got the deal from Andrew Banks and Naomi Simson.

According to Capital M, He has commissioned patents for the US & Australia.


Some companies that appear on the show have not achieved great success, and the Hoo Haa Headphones was one of them.

Sometimes businesses don’t succeed because of many reasons. Sometimes, the deal falls through after the founders say yes on camera. Or, as you’ll see, sometimes things happen to the founders themselves, and they choose to abandon the business.

Anything is possible. However, the product is no longer available in the market.

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