HangEase Net Worth 2024 Update  (Before & After Shark Tank)

As of 2024, HangEase is no longer in business despite initial success.
Picture of Shark Tank Geek

Hangease, founded by Ryan Landis, appeared on Shark Tank in 2013 with its innovative collapsible hanger designed to make hanging clothes easier. Despite not securing a deal, the company gained exposure and saw a spike in interest.

However, Hangease has since struggled to maintain long-term success. The business does not appear to have a significant crowdfunding history or outside investors, and as of 2024, Hangease seems to be inactive, with no updates on acquisitions or recent valuation.

The company’s status remains largely stagnant, with little evidence of substantial growth or further developments.

HangEase Net Worth

Estimated Net worth$266,666 (2014) Business Valuation
Annual Sales RevenueNot available
Lifetime salesNot available
InvestorsMark Cuban, Lori Greiner
FounderRyan Landisin
EmployeesNot available

HangEase Pitch on Shark Tank

Company nameHangEase
ProductKid’s collapsible hanger
EpisodeSeason 05 Episode 27
FounderRyan Landis
Asked for$80,000 for 30%
Final deal$80,000 for 30%
SharksMark Cuban and Lori Greiner

Don’t miss these products from Season 05

HangEase Founder

HangEase was founded by Ryan Landis in 2003. Ryan Landis is the founder of HangEase Kid’s Collapsible Hanger company. He came up with the idea for the collapsible hanger when he was in the third grade as a school invention project. HangEase’s founder, Ryan Landis’ net worth is unknown as the business is inactive.

Key accomplishments

2014Appearing on the popular TV show Shark Tank in 2014.


From their beginnings on Shark Tank to their current status as a thriving business. They have proven that with the right idea and execution, anything is possible. We can’t wait to see the future for Spretz and its continued success.

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