Grease Bags Net Worth 2025 Update (Before & After Shark Tank)

As of 2025, Grease Bags is valued at $15 million, with $3 million in annual revenue.
Picture of Shark Tank Geek

LaTangela Newsome created Grease Bags in 2016 to help people dispose of cooking grease in an eco-friendly way. She appeared on Shark Tank in 2017 and landed a deal with Barbara Corcoran for $75,000 for 50% equity. However, the deal didn’t close due to high production costs.

Despite this, Grease Bags continued operations and is now available online, including on its website and Amazon. As of 2025, the company remains active, offering affordable, environmentally safe grease disposal solutions and making a positive impact on waste management.

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Grease Bags Net Worth

Net worth$15 Million (2025)
Annual Sales Revenue$3 Million
InvestorBarbara Corcoran
FounderLaTangela Newsome

Grease Bags Pitch on Shark Tank

Company nameGrease Bags
ProductEco-friendly grease disposal alternative
EpisodeSeason 08 Episode 13
Founder LaTangela Newsome
Asked for$75,000 for 25% equity
Final deal$75,000 for 50% equity
SharkBarbara Corcoran

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Grease Bags Founder

Grease Bags was founded by LaTangela Newsome in 2016. She is an entrepreneur, mother, actress, and writer. She is very passionate about making a greener world. Grease Bags’s founder, LaTangela Newsome, has a net worth of USD 15 Million as of 2025.

Key accomplishments

2023Grease Bags provides an eco-friendly solution to Protect Your Family and Environment From Grease Contamination.
2017Grease Bags appeared on Shark Tank


From their beginnings on Shark Tank to their current status as a thriving business. They have proven that with the right idea and execution, anything is possible. We can’t wait to see the future for Grease Bags and its continued success.

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