What’s something people typically don’t know about cats until they have one as a pet?

What's something people typically don't know about cats until they have one as a pet

Have you ever wondered what’s something people typically don’t know about cats until they have one as a pet? Well, you’re not alone. We’ve scoured the depths of the ASK REDDIT subreddit to unearth some enlightening revelations about cats that might just change the way you perceive them.

You see, as cat owners, we’ve all had those moments when our pets do something utterly baffling. Cats can be enigmatic creatures, and understanding them can be a bit like deciphering a secret code. Ever had a furry companion who unexpectedly starts sprinting around the house at 3 a.m.? Or perhaps you’ve noticed that they seem to snore softly in their sleep? These behaviors can be both perplexing and endearing, and we’re about to explore why they happen.

If you have a routine, cats will adapt to it.

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One surprising thing about cats is their incredible adaptability. They may appear aloof, but if you establish a routine, your feline friend will adapt to it. 

The random running for no reason during the night.

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Ever heard the mysterious pitter-patter of paws in the dead of night? Cats have a knack for random, high-energy bouts of sprinting during the wee hours. It’s a quirk that can baffle new cat owners, but it’s just a manifestation of their playful and nocturnal nature.

They snore

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Cats, like humans, have their own share of peculiar nighttime habits. Some cats are known to snore softly, adding a touch of charm to their already mysterious persona.

They do learn their names.

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Cats can learn their names and respond when called. Despite their independent nature, they can be quite affectionate towards their owners.

Cats (like dogs) can sense when you’re not well.

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Cats have a special ability to sense when their human companions are unwell, showing empathy similar to dogs. During tough times, your feline friend may snuggle up to you or keep a watchful eye, providing comfort and support.

Cats need entertainment too, or they will get destructive.

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Your cats need to be entertained and stimulated to avoid destructive behavior that can damage your furniture. It’s important to provide them with toys and activities that will keep them engaged to ensure a harmonious relationship with your feline friend.

Cats can communicate their needs very clearly.

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Communication with cats goes beyond meowing for food. They can express their needs clearly through body language, and vocalizations. Understanding their cues allows for a deeper bond and a happier, healthier relationship between you and your feline companion.

What surprising things have you discovered about your furry friends? The world of cat ownership is as mysterious and delightful as the cats themselves, and every day brings new revelations.

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