What terrifying event is happening in the world right now that most people are ignoring?
The world is full of wonders and mysteries. But it’s also full of terrifying events that are left unseen or left ignored! People are busy going on in their day-to-day activities and no one has hardly any time to notice anything. But the truth is some things require our immediate attention. Let’s dive in to know about what terrifying event is happening in the world right now that most people are ignoring.
Recently a Redditor asked, “What terrifying event is happening in the world right now that most people are ignoring?“
In this article, we have listed the most upvoted comments received for the above question on the AskReddit thread.
Here is what the Reddit community thought about it.
Insect numbers are absolutely plummeting!
Insects make up about 80% of animal life on our planet. However, it is quite evident that the numbers have been doing down significantly over the past years! Several reports have suggested a 40% decline in the insect population. This poses a real threat to our ecosystem.
UK water companies dumping sewage into river systems and into the sea!
This is honestly a bit sickening to hear. The Environment Agency suggests that sewage has been dumped into the oceans and rivers in the UK more than 770,000 times between 2020 and 2021! The poor quality of water is becoming a serious health issue in the UK. Not just that, plenty of fish are also dying as a result of such discharges.
The birds are disappearing!
This is heartbreaking and is pretty accurate. A recent study conducted to assess the bird population in Canada and the U.S.A suggested a loss of nearly 3 billion birds since 1970.
The seals dying of Avian flu in Chile.
The more you get to know, the more terrifying it gets! This too is correct as more than 3,300 seal deaths were recorded due to H5N1 bird flu. It doesn’t just stop there. The same flu has even killed thousands of otters, penguins, and other animals.
Cats dying of bird flu in Poland!
The IHR of Poland notified the unusual number of cat deaths to the WHO. More than half the samples of cats tested by the WHO contained the A (H5N1) Virus. Some of the cats were unfortunately euthanized and WHO continued to monitor how the rest is going to unfold.
Ocean currents slowing.
Responses from the Redditors keep getting even more frightening it seems! This is also accurate since deep ocean currents have gone down by nearly 30%. This is reported to be a result of melting ice in Antarctica. The slowing of the ocean currents has a massive impact on climate change.
Bees are dying!
Bees are the most important in pollination. Dying out of Bees can create some disastrous impacts on our ecosystems. Nearly 50% of the bee colonies died in the USA, In 2022 according to some reports.
Let’s have a look at some more responses from the Redditors in this thread.
Depression becoming an epidemic disease!
Massive destruction of coral reefs!
The rise of AI and Privacy is pretty much nonexistent!
Bacterial resistance due to the overuse of antibiotics!
Corporate leaders steering humanity back to the dark ages.
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