What is a beauty standard you can’t believe people actually like?

What is a beauty standard you can't believe people actually like

Have you ever wondered why some beauty things are just plain weird? Well, it’s like asking a question on the AskReddit subreddit, and the answers are pretty surprising.

You know how some people say what’s pretty and what’s not? Well, these people on the internet had lots to say about it. They talked about things that confused them, and we’re going to talk about it too. Let’s find out together!

Refrigerator White Teeth

One person on Reddit talked about how some folks really want teeth as white as a refrigerator. Imagine going to the dentist and they ask, “What color do you want your teeth?” And someone says they want teeth as white as a fridge! That’s pretty hard to understand, especially when teeth come in different natural colors.

byu/Quintowne from discussion

Lip Augmentations

Someone else on Reddit couldn’t believe what people do to their lips. Some people get things done to make their lips look bigger, which can look pretty wild. It makes you wonder why some folks go to such extremes to look a certain way.

byu/Quintowne from discussion

Photoshop and Posing Tricks

Many people are surprised when they see pictures online that have been changed a lot with computers. Sometimes, the way people pose in photos can make them look very different from how they really are. It’s confusing because it’s not how they truly look.

byu/Quintowne from discussion

Identical Noses

Another person asked why it seems like everyone’s noses were starting to look the same. Some folks want their noses to look just like everyone else’s, which is strange. We’re all unique, so it’s puzzling that people want to look similar.

byu/Quintowne from discussion

Buccal Fat Removal

There’s a surgery called buccal fat removal, where people remove part of their face to have a different shape. It’s surprising how far some people will go to change their looks, especially their faces.

byu/Quintowne from discussion

Orange-Y Tans

Sometimes, people want to look tan, but they end up looking kind of orange instead of sun-kissed. It’s weird because it doesn’t look natural at all.

byu/Quintowne from discussion

Oversized Eyelashes

Some people really like huge eyelashes that are so big they could almost make you fly! It’s strange because big eyelashes like that aren’t really needed.

byu/Quintowne from discussion

Butt Implants

People also get confused about butt implants. Some folks go through surgery to make their behinds look different. It’s hard to understand why they would do that.

byu/Quintowne from discussion

Uniform Plastic Surgery

One person on Reddit noticed that some plastic surgery makes women look a lot alike, almost like they’re all from the same family. It’s strange because it makes everyone look less unique.

byu/Quintowne from discussion

Long Nails

Lastly, some people wonder why others like super long nails. It can be tough to do everyday things with really long nails, so it’s a bit surprising why some folks choose this look.

byu/Quintowne from discussion

So, what’s your take on these beauty standards? Do they leave you perplexed or do you find beauty in the diversity of preferences? Share your thoughts and join the conversation below. Beauty, after all, is in the eye of the beholder.

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