Wad-Free, created by Cyndi Bray, is an innovative product that prevents bed sheets from tangling in the wash. After its appearance on Shark Tank in 2021, Wad-Free secured a deal with Kevin O’Leary, which significantly boosted its visibility.
As of 2024, the company is valued at approximately $5 million. The business has grown steadily, with no major acquisitions or additional crowdfunding rounds reported.
Wad-Free remains independently owned and continues to thrive, selling directly to consumers through its website and major online retailers, maintaining a strong reputation for solving a common laundry problem efficiently.
Wad-free Net Worth
Estimated Net worth | $5 million (2024) |
Annual Sales Revenue | $513,000 (2023) |
Lifetime sales | Not available |
Investor | Kevin O’Leary |
Founder | Cyndi Bray |
Employees | Not publicly available |
Wad-free Pitch on Shark Tank
Company name | Wad-free |
Product | Wad-Free for Bed Sheets is the first-ever Wad Preventer |
Episode | Season 13 Episode 05 |
Founder | Cyndi Bray |
Asked for | $200,000 for a 5% equity |
Final deal | $200,000 for a 10% equity |
Shark | Kevin O’Leary |
Location | Hanover, Massachusetts |
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Wad-free Founder
Cyndi Bray found Wad-free in 2020. He invented Wad-Free out of personal frustration with tangled bedsheets. Wad-free’s founder, Cyndi Bray, has a net worth above $5 million as of 2024.
Key accomplishments
Year | Accomplishment |
2019 | Appeared on Shark Tank season 13 and Kevin O’Leary invested $200,000 for a 10% equity. |
2022 | Expands product line to include Wad-Free for Blankets & Duvet Covers. |
2023 | Featured in various media outlets and recognized for entrepreneurial success. |
From their beginnings on Shark Tank to their current status as a thriving business, they have proven that with the right idea and execution, anything is possible. We can’t wait to see the future for Wad-free and its continued success.