Uprising Bread Net Worth 2024 Update (Before & After Shark Tank)

Uprising Bread, Bread and chips packed with superfoods was started by Kristen and William Schumacher in 2019. Uprising Bread’s net worth was $16.6 Million at the time of their pitch in 2021 based on the $500,000 offer for 3% of the company’s equity. 

They appeared on Season 13 of Shark Tank USA in 2021. However, the Sharks were not interested in investing in Uprising Bread. Sharks stated that the financial ask was just too big, so the founder had to walk out empty-handed.

Uprising Bread shut down its business in March 2023. Their products are no longer available in the market.

Uprising Bread Net Worth

Net worth$16.6 Million (Business Valuation)
Lifetime sales$5 million
FoundersKristen and William Schumacher

Uprising Bread Net Worth Timeline

Net Worth 2024Out Of Business
Net worth valuation in 2021 before appearing on Shark Tank  $16.6 Million

Uprising Bread Pitch on Shark Tank

ProductBread and chips packed with superfoods
EpisodeSeason 13 Episode 01
FoundersKristen and William Schumacher
Asked for$500,000 for 3% equity
Company nameUprising Bread
Final dealNo deal
LocationVenables Street, Vancouver, BC

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Uprising Bread Founders

Uprising Bread was founded by Kristen and William Schumacher in 2019. They want to make keto-friendly and have a long shelf life. The couple has a background in Marketing. Uprising Bread’s founders, Kristen and William Schumacher net worth is unknown as of 2024.

Key accomplishments

2021Uprising Bread appeared on Shark Tank.


Some companies that appear on the show have not achieved great success, and the Uprising Bread was one of them. Sometimes businesses don’t succeed for many reasons. Sometimes, the deal falls through after the founders say yes on camera. Or, as you’ll see, sometimes things happen to the founders themselves, and they choose to abandon the business. Anything is possible. However,  Uprising Bread went out of business in 2023. And the product is no longer available in the market.

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