This self-driving electric motorbike recognizes you from a distance

A prominent Japanese company has introduced a self-driving electric motorcycle. This advanced invention can provide a highly personalized experience to the riders.
Well-known motorized product developer Yamaha Motor Co. has introduced this bike named MOTOROiD. This electric bike is born from the collaborative efforts within Yamaha Corporation’s research and development department.
Yamaha MOTOROiD integrates many advanced features such as advanced AI and image recognition, autonomous balance and movement, multiple riding positions, transformable structure, and visual feedback. These features define this bike from other typical bicycles.
This electric self-riding motorcycle will be ideal for a wide range of users, and it provides an advanced, safe, and personalized riding experience.

How does autonomous riding work in the MOTOROiD?
Active Mass Centre Empirical System of the MOTOROiD allows the bike to adjust the balance by manipulating the posture of weighted components. By using its cameras and sensors, it can control the speed levels and make the functions easier.
The enhanced AI technology can read the rider’s intentions and ride accordingly, and it can respond to the rider’s commands, facial expressions, and gestures.
The LEAF interface of MOTOROiD can give visual feedback; this can develop effective communication between the rider and the machine. Also, it will ensure the riders actions.
Core benefits
Advanced features that are integrated with AI and robotics can create a more connected and effective riding experience. Multiple riding positions, such as jockey style, centaur style, and legacy riding posture, can provide comfortable riding.
Balance control technology of this bike provides a safer ride, and it is also designed to be emotionally connected with the rider. As this is an electric bike, it can minimize emissions and carbon footprint, cut operating expenses, and improve energy efficiency.
To sum it up, Yamaha’s MOTOROiD is a self-driving electric motorbike. This invention stands out with its advanced AI and robotic technology. It offers a personalized and safe riding experience while minimizing environmental impact.
Featured image credits: Designboom, Nickp