PopSLATE Net Worth 2024 Update (Before & After Shark Tank)

As of 2024, PopSLATE ceased operations in 2017 after funding issues and production delays​.
Picture of Shark Tank Geek

PopSLATE entered Shark Tank with a unique concept: an iPhone case featuring a second e-ink screen for notifications, photos, and custom displays.

Despite not securing a deal, the appearance boosted its visibility, helping the company raise over $1.1 million through crowdfunding on Indiegogo.

However, PopSLATE struggled financially, filing for bankruptcy in 2017 due to production issues and high costs. As a result, the company ceased operations and no longer produces or sells products.

Today, PopSLATE is defunct, leaving a legacy of innovation but underscoring the challenges hardware startups often face in achieving long-term sustainability.

PopSLATE Net Worth

Estimated Net worth$10 million (2016) Business Valuation
Annual Sales RevenueNot available
Lifetime salesNot available
InvestorYashar Behzadi 
EmployeesNot available

PopSLATE Pitch on Shark Tank

Company namePopSLATE
ProductSmartphone case with E-ink display
EpisodeSeason 7 Episode 24
Founder Yashar Behzadi
Asked for$500,000 for 5% Equity
Final dealNone
Shark None
LocationBurlingame, California

Don’t miss these products from Season 07

PopSLATE Founder

Yashar Behzadi found PopSLATE in 2012. Yashar  is a product designer with a background in human-centered design. She has worked for companies such as IDEO and Facebook. The net worth of PopSLATE’s founder, Yashar Behzadi, is unknown as of 2024.

Key accomplishments

2016Appeared on Shark Tank season 07.
2017Began selling its product to schools, businesses, and consumers around the world.
2018Continued to grow its customer base and expand its product line.


Some companies that appear on the show have not achieved great success, and PopSLATE was one of them. Sometimes businesses don’t succeed because of many reasons. Sometimes, the deal falls through after the founders say yes on camera. Or, as you’ll see, sometimes things happen to the founders themselves, and they choose to abandon the business. Anything is possible. However,  PopSLATE went out of business in 2017. And the product is no longer available in the market.

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