Jeska Shoe Net Worth 2024 Update (Before & After Shark Tank)


Jeska Shoe Company, founded by Jessica Haynes in 2010, introduced innovative women’s shoes with interchangeable heels, allowing a single pair to transform between stilettos and wedges.

After appearing on Shark Tank in 2013, Jessica secured a deal with Daymond John for $70,000 in exchange for 70% equity.

Unfortunately, the company struggled to gain traction and officially closed in 2014, before ever launching to market. Despite its initial promise, Jeska Shoe is no longer operational.

Jeska Shoe Net Worth

Estimated Net worth$100,000 (2013) Business Valuation
Annual Sales RevenueNot available
Lifetime salesNot available
InvestorDaymond John
FounderJessica Haynes

Jeska Shoe Pitch on Shark Tank

Company nameJeska Shoe
ProductWomen’s shoes with interchangeable soles
EpisodeSeason 04 Episode 18
Founder Jessica Haynes
Asked for$70,000 for 30%
Final deal$70,000 for 70% Equity 
Shark Daymond John

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Jeska Shoe Founder

Jeska Shoe was founded by Jessica Haynes in 2010. Jessica is a graduate of Southern Arkansas University. She came up with the idea in 2010 after breaking the heel off of one of her favorite shoes. She wanted to create a shoe that would allow women to change the look of their shoes without buying a new pair. The net worth of Jeska Shoes founder, Jessica Haynes, is unknown as of 2024.

Key accomplishments

2013Appeared on Shark Tank season 4 and Daymond John invested $70000 for 70% equity.


Some companies that appear on the show have not achieved great success, and the Jeska Shoe was one of them. Sometimes businesses don’t succeed because of many reasons. Sometimes, the deal falls through after the founders say yes on camera. Or, as you’ll see, sometimes things happen to the founders themselves, and they choose to abandon the business. Anything is possible. However, Jeska Shoe went out of business in 2014. And the product is no longer available in the market.

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