FRENDS headphones Net Worth 2024 Update (Before & After Shark Tank)

As of 2024, FRENDS headphones maintain a net worth of $5 million and generate $8 million in annual revenue.
Picture of Shark Tank Geek

FRENDS Headphones, founded by Keir Dillon and Danijel “Deki” Ljuboja, gained attention for stylish, customizable headphones marketed to women.

Although they didn’t secure a deal on Shark Tank, the brand’s unique fashion-forward appeal led to partnerships with major retailers like Nordstrom.

FRENDS later collaborated with high-profile brands like Dolce & Gabbana, expanding their reach in the luxury market. As of the latest reports, FRENDS is valued at around $5 million.

While no significant recent funding rounds or acquisitions have been reported, FRENDS continues to cater to a niche market, combining fashion with premium audio quality.

FRENDS headphones Net Worth

Net worth$5 million (2024)
Annual Sales Revenue$8 million (2024)
Lifetime salesNot Publicly Available
FounderSheen Moaleman and Keir Dillon
EmployeesNot Publicly Available

FRENDS headphones Pitch on Shark Tank

Company nameFRENDS headphones
ProductStylish designer headphones for women
EpisodeSeason 7 Episode 24
Founders Sheen Moaleman and Keir Dillon
Asked for$1,000,000 for 7.6% Equity
Final dealNone
Shark None
LocationEncinitas, California

Don’t miss these products from Season 07

FRENDS headphones Founders

FRENDS headphones was founded by Sheen Moaleman and Keir Dillon in 2006. Dillon is a serial entrepreneur with a background in marketing and design. Erol is an audio engineer with a passion for music and technology. Together, Dillon and Erol set out to create a brand of headphones that would be both stylish and functional.  FRENDS headphones’s founders, Sheen Moaleman and Keir Dillon, have a net worth of $6 million as of 2024.

Key accomplishments

2016Appeared on Shark Tank season 7.
2017FRENDS Headphones is endorsed by Gigi Hadid. 
2018FRENDS Headphones is endorsed by Kendall Jenner.


From their beginnings on Shark Tank to their current status as a thriving business, they have proven that with the right idea and execution, anything is possible. We can’t wait to see the future for FRENDS headphones and its continued success.

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