Commuting to work is one of the most boring parts of anyoneā€™s day. If you travel to work via public transport, there never feels as though there is enough time for you to get stuck into doing anything. However, if you sit there for the duration of the journey, the time can feel wasted. This can make you feel like youā€™re in some strange limbo where you donā€™t know what you should do. With this in mind, here are some ideas to make your daily commute more interesting. 

Try doing things that you might spend a lot of time doing at home

One way to make your commute more interesting and productive is to spend it doing something you would otherwise do at home. This will free up your time when you get home from work, allowing you to relax and do other tasks, and it will give you a sense of achievement. 

This doesnā€™t mean things like household chores, obviously, but the hobbies or pastimes you would indulge in on the couch when you got home. For instance, if you are completing a course to re-train at an online university (possibly so you can get a job that doesnā€™t involve sitting on the bus each morning), you could try and get some coursework or revision in before your busy workday really kicks off. You could also spend the time doing some admin tasks like online banking and making plans for the weekend. 

Take the opportunity to play some games you might not have had the chance to yet

Taking the opportunity to do some mobile gaming might be another way to make the most out of your bus journey. If itā€™s a game you love, you get to feel immersed and forget the world around you. This can be something that is really good for winding down after a long, busy day or maybe even getting yourself pumped for one. 

Whether it is looking into online games suitable for adults and getting the best online pokies bonuses, or you are just looking at what is trending on the app store, you will find that there is a huge amount of games for you to play and enjoy to get you ready for the workday, as well as when youā€™re just sprawling out on the couch at home. 

Take the opportunity to plan some goals

Last on the list, but no less important, is taking the opportunity to set yourself some goals. Doing this can be perfect for getting your thoughts in order after what is likely to be a hectic dash of leaving the house on time. This can involve setting goals for the day, goals for the month, or you are thinking about setting yourself some financial goals, and you need to set up an app to get it going but couldnā€™t find the time to do it at home. You might even just jot down a quick to-do list on your phone to help keep you motivated and moving throughout the day.

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