Never Do While Scuba Diving

It’s possible to lose oneself in the excitement of scuba diving and forget about your own needs. We could all use a reminder now and then on what’s crucial to avoid upsetting our diving buddy, our fellow dives, or perhaps the dive master, or worse, putting ourselves in danger of an accident. Let’s look at some critical errors you should avoid on your upcoming dive as well as why they must be avoided.

1.     Exploiting marine life

This one ought to go without saying, yet all too frequently, recordings of divers and non-divers alike having fun while unintentionally bothering marine creatures are published on YouTube.

Just to be clear, please refrain from grabbing animals, holding them for photos, riding on turtles or dolphins, as well as forcing puffer fish to inflate as it may be dangerous to them.

Many organizations will withdraw your license, at least if you’re just a professional diver, like an instructor or dive master, since it’s bad manners, you’re presenting a negative example for many other divers, and you’re setting yourself up for failure.

2.     Never go diving without a strategy

A fundamental component of survival is the saying, “Plan your dive, dive your plan.” Before computers, dive planning required careful calculation of the expected maximum depth as well as the length of bottom duration it gave you. Calculating the residual nitrogen time from any prior dives was necessary.

If you went diving with the use of a dive guide from a dive shop, the dive master may have told you the maximum depth as well as time for the dive according to previous dives.

Most users now utilize dive computers instead of dive tables, which make planning simpler as well as give users better control over the dives. However, you shouldn’t let the simplicity of figuring out bottom time tempt you into discounting other dive aspects of the program. Each dive should be carefully planned and executed.

3.     Don’t touch anything underwater

One of the cardinal rules of scuba diving is to never touch anything underwater. Many aquatic animals rely on camouflage, mainly for their protection, so any kind of disturbance would result in them severe harm or perhaps even death sometimes.

Additionally, if you touch something that you cannot understand what it is, it may be poisonous as well as contain dangerous toxins that could make you sick. So make sure to always keep your hands to yourself while exploring the depths of the sea!

4.     Don’t dive too deep too quickly

When scuba diving, it is crucial to ascend unhurriedly as well as steadily to stop decompression sickness (DCS). DCS results in a rapid change in pressure which leads to the appearance of nitrogen bubbles inside the body. These bubbles can transit through the bloodstream, causing tissue harmor perhaps even death if not dealt with fast. To prevent this from happening, divers should only go as deep as their training status permits and never dive beyond what their bodies are comfortable with.


Scuba diving is an exciting way to explore the depths of the ocean and discover its hidden treasures—but certain things should never be done while enjoying this activity. Following these rules will ensure your safety and protect the environment around you so that future generations can enjoy it too! Remember: always dive responsibly!

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