What Became of Slice of Sauce After Shark Tank?

Slice of Sauce, once valued at $1.2M, is likely out of business. Their website redirects, and social media is inactive, signaling market struggles and closure. Delve in and find out what Happened.
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Imagine this, You’re at a picnic, and everyone’s struggling with messy ketchup bottles. Someone hands you a neat, portable slice of ketchup. No spills, no mess. That’s the promise Slice of Sauce brought to Shark Tank—a bold solution to a sticky problem.

But what happened next? Here’s the story,

A Clever Idea Sparks Conversation

Slice of Sauce turned heads with its innovative concept: sliced condiments made from dehydrated vegetables. Founders Emily and Cole Williams dreamed of reducing food waste while solving condiment chaos. Their idea was buzzworthy—something people couldn’t wait to share.

The Everyday Need

Condiments are part of daily life, especially during outdoor meals. Slice of Sauce tapped into these moments, promising convenience and a mess-free experience. Yet, changing a habit as ingrained as squeezing ketchup proved to be a significant hurdle.

From High Hopes to Real Struggles

The Shark Tank pitch captivated viewers, but no deal materialized. Sharks loved the creativity but doubted its scalability. For Emily and Cole, this wasn’t just a product; it was their passion. They pushed forward, tweaking the product and pivoting toward sustainability with recyclable packaging.

Solving Problems, One Slice at a Time

Slice of Sauce was a game-changer for picnics, lunches, and on-the-go meals. Each slice was easy to store, pack, and use. The convenience factor resonated with eco-conscious consumers, who also appreciated the move to compostable packaging.

A Journey of Innovation

This is more than just a tale of sliced ketchup. It’s a story of resilience. Despite struggles to scale and secure mainstream adoption, the brand found a niche audience. Flavors like spicy sriracha and classic ketchup kept the idea alive, proving there’s room for innovation even in the most traditional markets.

Slice of Sauce Pitch on The US Shark Tank [Info Card]
ProductDehydrated and sliced condiments
EpisodeSeason 12 Episode 10
Founders Cole and Emily Williams
Asked for$200,000 for 10% equity
Company nameSlice of Sauce
Final deal$200,000 as debt which converts to 15% equity when $1.8 million in sales is reached
SharkAlex Rodriguez

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Slice of Sauce Founders

Slice of Sauce was founded by Cole and Emily Williams in 2016. They were husband and wife and also business partners at the time. They are very passionate about the business. Slice of Sauce’s founders, Cole and Emily Williams net worth is unknown as of 2023.

Key accomplishments

2021Slice of Sauce appeared on Shark Tank.


Some companies that appear on the show have not achieved great success, and The Slice of Sauce was one of them. Sometimes businesses don’t succeed for many reasons. Sometimes, the deal falls through after the founders say yes on camera. Or, as you’ll see, sometimes things happen to the founders themselves, and they choose to abandon the business. Anything is possible. However, Slice of Sauce went out of business in 2021. And the product is no longer available in the market.

Useful Links for Slice of Sauce Story

Shark Tank Blog
Slice of Sauce Business Overview – Read here

The Cinemaholic
Update on Slice of Sauce from Shark Tank – Read here

Food Republic
Slice of Sauce: Here’s What Happened After Shark Tank – Read here

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