What are some things that can make us instantly appear younger than we actually are?

When we grow up, we always have that one idea: “How to look younger?”. If you are the one who had that thought, we got your back. In this article, we are going to look at “What are some things that can make us instantly appear younger than we actually are?” This intriguing question often crosses our minds as we strive to maintain a youthful appearance. Let’s move into the insights shared by Redditors on the ASK REDDIT subreddit and discover the secrets to defying the sands of time.

Continuing to have fun and play

A Reddit user suggests that acting young and enjoying life can keep us looking youthful. Perhaps it’s true that a playful spirit is the key to staying forever young.

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Eternally youthful

Another user who prefers “eternally youthful” highlights the importance of maintaining a youthful mindset, even if others perceive it as immaturity. It’s all about perspective.

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The power of a hoodie

As shared by this user, wearing a hoodie can apparently make you look younger. This user’s experience of being mistaken for a teenager proves that fashion choices can impact how we’re perceived.

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Hoodie, joggers, and a surprising age

This User’s quick mall trip wearing casual attire and a mask led to a security guard mistaking them for a teenager. It seems that comfort and style can help you appear youthful.

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Fashion and hairstyles

Maintaining an up-to-date hairstyle and wearing stylish, well-fitting clothing is another tip from another user. This suggests that taking care of your appearance can significantly impact how young you appear.

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Cultural factors

One user humorously points out that being Asian before the age of 60 may have its advantages in appearing youthful. While genetics play a role, there’s more to it than meets the eye.

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Kneel in your shoes

Another user humorously suggests an unconventional method of pulling loose skin behind your back and pinning it in place. It’s an amusing take on the quest for a youthful appearance.

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Get a bunch of clothespins and have someone pull all of your loose skin behind your back and then pin it in place.

This response offers a humorous take on the quest for youth. While clothespins won’t do the trick, it highlights the importance of maintaining a confident and upright posture.

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Backwards cap and a skateboard

One humorously says that adopting a youthful style, like wearing a backwards cap and carrying a skateboard, can instantly make you seem younger. Fashion can indeed shape perception.

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The importance of sleep and water

This highlights the fundamental role of sleep and hydration in maintaining a youthful appearance. These two simple factors can have a significant impact on your overall look.


In our search to look younger, Reddit users have given us some interesting ideas. They suggest things like having fun and dressing stylishly to seem more youthful. Some tips are funny, but they also remind us that taking care of ourselves, staying stylish, and having a positive attitude can help us look and feel young. What do you think of these ideas? Feel free to share your own secrets to appearing forever young in the comments below.

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