Website design Tips for an Entrepreneur That Is Opening their First Ecommerce Store

Website design Tips for an Entrepreneur That Is Opening their First Ecommerce Store

Launching your Ecommerce website is indeed a very big step. However, when you are an entrepreneur and about to introduce your new ecommerce website to the world, there are some vital ecommerce website designing tips that you need to keep in mind. It is crucial for you to ensure that your website not only has a professional design but incorporates the following elements as well.

What to include in your eCommerce website design

Keep it simple

When it comes to designing an ecommerce website, you should always keep it simple. Remember, your users main goal is to make a purchase on the website so to avoid frustrating them, and losing out on a sale, try not to add distracting features that will deter them from completing their goal of making a purchase. Look at website designs that don’t include too many banners, pop-ups, different colours and competing fonts. Yes, your website design should be aesthetically pleasing with elements that will attract customers, but you don’t want them to lose focus. a clean, clear, and simple design will ensure that you get the sale and that same customer comes back again and again. 

Stay true to your brand

Having an established brand image will help your customers remember your business and products even if they were to see them out of context. This is why it’s important that your eCommerce website design stays true to your brand. Use a consistent font, colours and style so customers can recognise your brand. You should also pay attention to branding when it comes to eCommerce website design because it helps build trust with your customer base. Since your customers will recognise your brand, they will associate it with the quality of your services and products. This is the reason why not many people will choose to purchase from a no-name brand because they can’t be sure of the quality they’re receiving. So stick to building up a good reputation through your brand and you will drive sales.

Call to Action Buttons on your website 

When it comes to your ecommerce website design, ensure that you have prominent call to action buttons. This helps you to establish and build better conversion rates. It also helps in improving the visibility of your ecommerce website in the market. 

If you are using WordPress for your website design, then WooCommerce plugins can help you create and customise effective call to action buttons. You can also get more info on woocommerce agencies that can help you with website design and optimisation. Whether it’s the add to cart button, the checkout button or even a subscribe button, make sure they are easy to find and navigate for your customers.

Simple Sign- up forms

When the user visits your ecommerce website and wishes to register on it, he or she should not be asked to fill in complicated sign up forms. You actually do not need to know their phone numbers, address and other personal information. For you, the name and email address with password is enough for registration on your website.

Ability to buy from your website without registering 

Many buyers may not want to register on your ecommerce website. In order to attract them to your website, you should include an option where the potential buyer can buy products from your website without the need of registration. You should include in your website design the ability to allow these guest users to checkout and once they have completed the buying process, you may ask them whether they wish to register on your website or not. 

Search function should be good and user-friendly

The search functionality of your ecommerce website should be good. This option will help the customer find what he or she wants without wasting time. In short, you can make their shopping experience very satisfying with this option. 

Navigation of breadcrumbs

When the visitor is buying something from your ecommerce website, he or she should know where they stand in the purchase process. It is here that breadcrumb navigation plays a vital role. If you omit the breadcrumb navigation in your website design, you will find that customers will become bored in the purchasing process. 

Security in the shopping cart

No ecommerce website design is complete without a secure shopping cart. When shoppers are buying from your website, you must ensure they feel confident in buying from you. The privacy of your customers should be maintained and you should have an updated trust or SSL certificate. Some popular trust certifications are VeriSign and Hacker Safe. 

Last but not the least, you should give your buyers a suggestion of related searches on your ecommerce website. This option helps you to save the time of the buyer, improve customer retention and increase satisfaction on the website. 

Therefore, if you really want to make your new ecommerce website a success, ensure that you keep the above website desing factors in mind. These simple components will help you attract present and potential buyers to your website and you will gain a competitive edge in the process too.

Use high-quality images

All customers need assurance when purchasing online because they can’t see or feel your products in person to make a clear judgement. Having high-quality images can help them feel confident in what they are buying. Research has shown that you can expect a 40% increase in conversions by incorporating relevant high-quality images. When drawing up your website design for your eCommerce website, ensure that you include elbow room for high-quality images. 

Social proof

Building trust with your customer base is very important and another way to do that is to include links to your social feeds as well as a review section in your website design. Your customers are likely to check for ratings and feedback from other customers to see what their experience with your brand or products and services is like. The more people that can testify to a great shopping experience with you, the more sales you will make. You can also include a section in your website design where customers can upload pictures of themselves using your products. This adds an additional layer to social proof and makes your business more trustworthy. 

Final thoughts

There you have it, the top tips for creating a successful eCommerce website design. Follow these and your new website will be bringing you sales in no time. Just remember to keep your website design simple, user-friendly, secure and trustworthy.

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