In recent years, the internet and digital media marketing has undergone some seismic shifts, leading some to boldly claim that ‘SEO is dead.’ This provocative statement isn’t just a wakeup call; it’s a signpost pointing towards a new era where digital branding takes center stage. While traditional SEO tactics may no longer cut it, the essence of being found and recognized online has transformed into a more nuanced art form.

Today, as I navigate this ever-changing terrain, I’ve witnessed firsthand how the advent of technologies like ChatGPT has revolutionized our approach to the internet. It’s no longer just about optimizing for search engines; it’s about crafting a digital identity so compelling that it transcends traditional search metrics. The question now isn’t whether SEO still matters; it’s about how we redefine and integrate it within the broader context of digital branding.

In this article, we’ll explore how the so-called death of SEO has given birth to a new paradigm where building a robust digital brand is paramount. It’s about adapting to a landscape where velocity, innovation, and strategic branding are the new driving forces. Just racing on the wheels won’t cut it anymore; welcome to the era of custom-building our vehicles to navigate the terrains of the internet, where brand presence and identity are king.

The End Goal: “Not Just Visible, But Unforgettable

Just open google and search with the term “How To”. You will see that first result you are getting on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) is wikihow. The second result is pointing to and third goes to Merriaum Webster. This is a solid example where even google knows that wikihow, in someway centred their brand to become “The how-to site on the internet”.

A new argument may arise that a majority of people who perform the search “How To” to navigate to Wikihow (A navigational Search Query). That may be true up to a certain extent, but then why does Wikihow stands out at the first place being the only site of its kind amongst the rest of the results of one similar kind? Because Wikihow has built their Massive brand monopoly on the internet that it is “The most trusted how-to site on the internet.” Even google doesn’t want to forget that.

Let’s break this down…

Why does Wikihow, amidst a myriad of possible results, consistently clinch that top spot? It’s not just about their SEO game; it’s about their brand. Wikihow has effectively branded itself as “The How-To Site on the Internet” – a claim not only recognized by their audience but also by Google’s algorithms. This is strategic branding at its finest, transcending traditional SEO by building a brand so strong that it becomes the first point of reference.

Advanced SEO is no longer just about keywords and backlinks; it’s about understanding user intent, creating content that resonates, and ensuring a seamless user experience. Similarly, digital branding has evolved beyond logos and taglines. It’s about creating a narrative and experience that embodies your brand’s values and mission, engaging users at a deeper, more emotional level.

The Transition from “Just SEO” to Digital Branding

Now,Let’s take a dive into how SEO is not dead, but rather evolving into a “Jack of All Trades” in the digital marketing realm. This transformation is not just a shift in tactics, but a broadening of scope, integrating diverse elements to meet the dynamic demands of the digital branding landscape.

The Influence of User Behavior on Search Algorithms

Approximately only 50% of SEO practitioners actively prioritise on user engagement in their blogs. The rest just rely on finding the best long tail keyword, how to build more links to the blog  or may be focusing solely on other SEO tactics. Now this could be due to various factors, such as limited resources, lack of knowledge, or a different focus in their SEO strategy.I recently asked on Mediavine publisher group about this exact factor, Do bloggers really take in to consideration Engagement Factor?

In this discussion it was observed that about half of SEO practitioners focus on user engagement metrics like dwell time and bounce rate, while the rest prioritize traditional SEO tactics such as long-tail keyword optimization and link building. This variation in strategy reflects diverse approaches to SEO, influenced by factors like resource limitations, varying levels of understanding of engagement metrics, and the evolving nature of search engine algorithms. The conversation also revealed a trend towards diversifying traffic sources, including a focus on social media platforms and email marketing, as part of a broader digital marketing strategy.

However this will have to change in order to survive the evolving SEO game, The factor “User Engagement and Behaviour” will become a priority.Or has it already become a priority?

Recent studies indicate that user engagement metrics significantly influence search rankings. A Backlinko analysis of 11.8 million Google search results found a strong correlation between user engagement signals, such as dwell time and bounce rate, and higher rankings. According the study,

Websites with above-average “time on site” tend to rank higher in Google.Specifically, increasing time on site by 3 seconds correlates to ranking a single position higher in the search results.

This shift emphasizes the importance of content that not only attracts but also engages and retains users, integral to effective digital branding.

Semantic Search and Brand Relevance

The advent of semantic search technology, which understands the intent and contextual meaning behind queries, has redefined keyword optimization. Google’s BERT update, for instance, now allows the search engine to comprehend the nuances of natural language in search queries.

Prior to BERT, Google’s language analysis could only consider the words before or after a given word or a phrase to understand its meaning. BERT enables Google to examine words before and after a word or a phrase in a query to fully understand its meaning.

“The Art of SEO” 4th edition

This evolution necessitates a deeper focus on creating content that aligns with the user’s intent, a core tenet of brand-centric SEO.

The Enhanced E-E-A-T Framework in Brand Authority

The evolution of Google’s algorithms to prioritize the E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) framework has profound implications for digital branding, as evidenced by recent data and case studies.

  • Experience:The experience component highlights the value of content that benefits from the personal experiences and unique perspectives of its creators. Content that reflects genuine, lived experiences offers a depth and relatability that AI-generated summaries cannot match. Google’s preference for such content underlines the importance of authentic, experience-based narratives in establishing brand authority. A 2023 Search Engine Journal study highlighted that content reflecting genuine user/creator experiences gained higher engagement and ranking. For example, firsthand product reviews saw a 35% increase in user interaction compared to generic content. This trend underlines the importance of incorporating authentic experiences into content.
  • Expertise: According to a Moz analysis, pages with content authored by ‘recognized’ experts witnessed a 50% increase in organic traffic post the 2022 Google update. This data confirms that showcasing an author’s expertise directly correlates with better search performance.Evidently,Google strictly worries about this component in YMYL content. Without a proper digital brand identity around the Author / Creator itself how will google decide if he genuinely has expertise or not?
  • Authoritativeness: A SEMrush study revealed that sites with high domain authority, determined by the quality and relevance of inbound links, ranked consistently higher for competitive keywords. The study noted a 40% increase in SERP position for sites that improved their link profile with authoritative backlinks.
  • Trustworthiness: Data from BrightEdge showed that websites with secure protocols (HTTPS), transparent privacy policies, and clear user data handling guidelines experienced a 30% increase in trust signals, leading to better ranking and user retention.

My personal experience with a blog hit by 2022 google’s August Helpful content update corroborates these findings. The lack of author attribution resulted in a significant drop in rankings, illustrating the importance of visibly establishing the author’s expertise and experience. Recovery was observed after these elements were addressed, underscoring the practical necessity of aligning digital content with the E-E-A-T principles for sustained SEO success.

Let’s take the same example WikiHow. To showcase the perfectly balanced reflection of EEAT is the About us page of WikiHow. Through their giant collaborations and list of big partners to a well organised and properly linked Author/Staff bio pages, even someone who never heard about Wikihow before, gets why it is indeed the most trusted how-to site on the internet.

Case Study: WikiHow and the E-E-A-T Framework

The embodiment of the E-E-A-T principles can be distinctly observed in the case of WikiHow, particularly through their ‘About Us‘ page This page exemplifies the perfect balance of Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness:

Wikihow focuses on building EEAT possibly everywhere in their site. Just take a look at how they have reserved a major portion on their Homepage to add information that aids in building EEAT
  • Experience: WikiHow’s collaborations and content reflect a wealth of practical, real-world experiences. This is evident in their comprehensive guides and how-to articles, which are based on the lived experiences of contributors and experts.
  • Expertise: The detailed Author/Staff bio pages of WikiHow demonstrate the depth of knowledge and expertise behind their content. These pages provide transparency about the authors’ qualifications and backgrounds, instilling confidence in the readers about the reliability of the information presented.
  • Authoritativeness: WikiHow’s partnerships with renowned entities and their extensive network of expert contributors add to their authority. The site’s high domain authority is further bolstered by numerous authoritative backlinks, aligning with the SEMrush study that correlates such links with improved SERP rankings.
  • Trustworthiness: The meticulous organization and clear linking of author bios, along with their transparent content creation process, enhance WikiHow’s trustworthiness. This aligns with BrightEdge’s findings that websites with clear guidelines and secure protocols see an increase in trust signals.

The way WikiHow presents itself, even to someone unfamiliar with the site, leaves no doubt as to why it is regarded as the most trusted how-to site on the internet. This case study underscores the practical application of the E-E-A-T framework in establishing a robust digital presence and brand authority.

Incorporating E-E-A-T into digital branding strategies is crucial for modern brands aiming to establish a strong, credible online presence. This holistic approach acknowledges that authority and trust are not just about technical SEO metrics but are built through genuine expertise, authentic experiences, and sustained ethical practices.

Personalisation and Brand Engagement

How To Build A The Right Brand Identity?

When it comes to building a “digital brand identity”, personalization and brand engagement take on a new level of importance, distinct from traditional branding methods. AJ Kohn’s insights in “It’s Goog Enough!” highlight the evolving landscape where these factors are increasingly pivotal.

The Core of Personalization

Unlike traditional branding’s broad approach, digital branding thrives on personalization. This involves leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze user data, tailoring content to individual preferences, behaviors, and needs. For an example how would you likely to share It’s not just about product recommendations; it’s about delivering a content experience that feels uniquely crafted for each user. Personalization is the heart of creating a brand identity that resonates on a personal level with the audience.

Elevating Brand Engagement

In the digital era, engagement goes beyond transactions to foster a deeper emotional connection. Modern brand engagement is measured in social media interactions, community involvement, and user-generated content. These metrics, more favored by current algorithms, reflect genuine user interest and offer a nuanced understanding of a brand’s impact. So rather than having all the authority to yourself when catering through a blog, It’s way good to have more contributors around it. This is the same reason why WIkihow has thousands of contributors working everyday. Building a digital brand is a two way street, you have to both give and take. How did Uber became the biggest taxi company in the world? It’s because of their users. They are the medium of their branding. In modern day SEO it will be vital to have an engaging digital brand and Google will definitely take this in to count.

Leveraging User Interaction Data

Contemporary algorithms prioritize user interaction data, signaling a move from traditional SEO metrics to holistic user engagement analysis. Metrics like time spent on the site and content interaction are now crucial in determining a page’s relevance and authority. This shift underscores the importance of creating engaging content that captures and retains user attention. This is the very reason that Just measuring your website’s authority through the backlink profile is not gonna be enough anymore. MOZ identified this and it led them to release a brand new metric called “Brand Authority”. They even went the extra mile and trade marked it.

User-Centric SEO

Start by aligning your SEO strategies with user behavior and expectations. This involves diving deep into analytics to understand your audience’s search patterns, preferences, and pain points. Use this data to create content that not only ranks well but also provides real value to your audience.

For an example, when writing something if you could embed situational circumstances contextually, It will help the reader hook emotionally to your content. I don’t think any sort of AI could get in to situational content since no AI has actually lived there. So having a situational context to prove a point within your content will reflect the quality to go higher.

This is the core reason why Google introduced Google Search’s helpful content system where it “aims to better reward content where visitors feel they’ve had a satisfying experience, while content that doesn’t meet a visitor’s expectations won’t perform as well.”

Brand Storytelling Through SEO

Your blog becomes a brand the moment you start sharing authentic stories that resonates your readers. Will your reader will remember what you wrote? and where you wrote? will it be memorable? The transition of your blog into a memorable brand is anchored in storytelling that resonates. Consider the powerful impact of articles like “The People Who Ruined the Internet” by Amanda Chicago Lewis, which left an indelible mark on the SEO community.

Such stories stand out not just for their content but for their unique, engaging narrative style. This approach to brand storytelling through SEO goes beyond traditional tactics. It’s about weaving engaging stories with optimized searchability, striking a perfect balance that captivates both your audience and search engines. It’s the art of crafting content that’s not just visible but also emotionally impactful and memorable. Effective storytelling in SEO means embedding your brand’s ethos into every piece of content. It’s about creating narratives that resonate on a deeper level, transcending mere keywords and algorithmic optimization. When your story is authentic and engaging, it leaves a lasting imprint on your readers, making your brand’s voice distinct and memorable in a crowded digital space.

It’s not that difficult. Start With These Four Components (80/20 of Digital Branding)

I know that It feels overwhelming just by looking at this article, But I have compiled the below four components that will matter the most – The Vital Few- if you refer to Pareto’s theory.

1. Increasing Returning Visitors

Returning visitors are a testament to the value and relevance of your content. They indicate a deeper interest and connection with your brand. To increase returning visitors:

  • Consistently Deliver Value: Offer fresh, valuable content regularly to give visitors a reason to come back.
  • Personalized Experiences: Utilize user data to tailor the user experience, making each visit more relevant and engaging.
  • Community Building: Foster a sense of community through forums, comments, or social media interactions.

2. Brand Presence

A strong brand presence is vital in standing out in a crowded digital space. To enhance your brand presence:

  • Multi-Channel Strategy: Establish a consistent brand voice and image across all digital platforms.
  • SEO and Content Marketing: Utilize SEO best practices and compelling content to increase visibility.
  • Social Media Engagement: Actively engage with your audience on social media to increase brand awareness and loyalty.

3. Brand Boost

Boosting your brand involves amplifying its visibility and reach. Key strategies include:

  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers to tap into new audiences.
  • Paid Advertising: Use targeted ads to reach potential customers more effectively.
  • Public Relations: Engage in PR activities to build and maintain a positive brand image.

4. Improving Time on Page and User Engagement

The amount of time users spend on your page and their level of engagement are critical indicators of content relevance and quality.

  • Quality Content: Produce high-quality, engaging content that captures and holds the audience’s attention.
  • Interactive Elements: Incorporate quizzes, polls, or interactive infographics to boost engagement.
  • User-Friendly Design: Ensure your website is easy to navigate, encouraging visitors to spend more time exploring.

Build A Branding Road Map | Measure, Learn & Adjust with an Agile Approach

Agile Strategy in Digital Branding

In building a digital brand, adopting an agile approach is key. This means being adaptable, responsive to market changes, and willing to iteratively improve strategies based on real-time feedback and data.

  1. Measure Strategically: Start by defining clear KPIs aligned with your digital branding goals – such as increasing returning visitors, enhancing brand presence, boosting your brand, and improving time on page and user engagement. Use analytics tools to track these metrics regularly, giving you an accurate measure of your brand’s digital footprint and user engagement levels.
  2. Learn from Data: Analyze the collected data to uncover user behavior patterns and preferences. This step is crucial in understanding what works and what doesn’t. For example, if certain content types consistently lead to longer time on page and higher engagement rates, it’s a signal to produce more of that content type.

Iterative Adjustments and Continuous Learning

  1. Adjust and Iterate: Based on these insights, refine your strategies. This could involve tweaking content, enhancing SEO practices, or shifting focus to different digital marketing channels. The agility here comes from the ability to make quick changes based on data, rather than sticking rigidly to a set plan. Test new approaches, measure their effectiveness, and continually adapt.
  2. Embrace Continuous Learning: The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so should your branding strategy. Stay informed about the latest trends, algorithm updates, and user preferences. Incorporate this ongoing learning into your strategy, ensuring your brand remains relevant and engaging.


Building a digital brand in today’s dynamic environment demands an agile approach. It’s about creating a cycle of measuring, learning, and adjusting that allows you to navigate the complexities of the digital world effectively.

Navigating the Future of Digital Branding

In summary, the realm of digital branding has evolved beyond traditional SEO tactics, requiring a more nuanced, engaging, and adaptive approach. Emphasizing user experience, authenticity, and a responsive strategy is key to thriving in this new era. By integrating insights such as the E-E-A-T framework and focusing on personalization and brand engagement, businesses can craft a digital identity that resonates deeply with their audience. The future of digital branding is not just about visibility but about creating a memorable and dynamic presence in the digital world. Embracing these changes and continuously adapting will be crucial for brands aiming to make a lasting impact in this ever-evolving landscape.

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