Scientific Breakthrough In Treating Diabetes With A Flower!

Diabetes is a chronic disease that millions across the world are struggling with. Recent clinical trials led by the University of Otago found that dahlia flower petal extract can stabilize blood sugar levels! The flower extract targets the region of the brain that maintains glucose levels. This scientific breakthrough can be a new hope in beating the disease. Let’s have a closer look.
Research Study & Findings
The incredible study is led by Associate Professor Alexander Tups. Professor Tups is a neuroendocrinologist at the Centre for Neuroendocrinology. His research identified an anti-inflammatory plant molecule that acts on the brain. They also identified two other molecules that can magnify the working of the original one. The two molecules significantly boosted the body’s ability to process blood sugar.
“We then found that the dahlia plant is a cultivatable source of this molecule and that it contains two additional plant molecules that enhanced the effect of the original one. This specifically blocked brain inflammation and improved blood sugar regulation in preclinical trials,” says Professor Alexander Tups.
The scientists did the clinical trial with 13 participants who had prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. The Dahlia Extract leveled up the glucose tolerance in both participant types. It has proven its success in keeping blood sugar levels properly.
A dose of 60 mg/m2 given to a person with Type 2 Diabetes showed a significant glucose-lowering effect. It suggests that the treatment is highly effective even with people who are progressing from prediabetes to Type 2 Diabetes.
“Impaired blood sugar regulation is a debilitating condition affecting millions of people are the world. I hope and I really believe that the outcome of our intensive research will benefit people suffering from this condition,” says Professor Tups.
Type 2 diabetes and improving blood glucose levels inflame the glucose-regulating region of the brain. Type 2 diabetes has a direct impact on how the body uses sugars or energy. In the Pre-clinical studies, the research team was successful in reversing brain inflammation and turning up insulin sensitivity within the brain. With the success of clinical trials, the study can be a hope in beating the battle with diabetes.
Diabetes is a chronic disease that millions across the world are struggling with. Recent clinical trials led by the University of Otago found that dahlia flower petal extract can manage blood sugar levels! With the success of study trials, the study can be a hope in beating the battle with the disease. These scientific findings can be a new hope in treating the disease.
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