Melni Connector Net Worth 2024 Update  (Before & After Shark Tank)

As of 2024, Melni Connectors is thriving with a $50 million net worth.
Picture of Shark Tank Geek
- Shark Tank US (Net worth Update)Melni Connector

Melni Connectors, founded by Mark Melni, Byron Dunn, and Armand Eckert, appeared on Shark Tank in 2015, securing a $500,000 deal from Mark Cuban for 12% equity.

Since then, the company has grown significantly. As of 2024, Melni Connectors is valued at $50 million, with annual revenues of $5 million.

The business has expanded its product line, including innovative connectors like the RadCrim and Hyper-Splice. Cuban has since increased his investment, and the company has secured additional backing from Remke Industries to support distribution.

Melni Connectors Net Worth

Estimated Net worth$50 Million (2024)
Annual Sales Revenue$5 Million (2024)
Lifetime salesNot available
InvestorMark Cuban
FounderMark Melni, Byron Dunn, and Armand Eckert
EmployeesNot available

Melni Connector Pitch on Shark Tank

Company nameMelni Connector
ProductInnovative, quick install, electrical connectors
EpisodeSeason 6 Episode 25
Founders Byron Dunn, Mark Melni and Armand Eckert
Asked for$500,000 for 12% Equity
Final deal$500,000 for 5% equity
SharkMark Cuban
LocationIdoh, USA

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Melni Connector Founders

Byron Dunn, Mark Melni, and Armand Eckert founded Melini Connector in 2007. Mark Melni was a dedicated individual who came from an electronic business family background. Most of the time he is inspired by client issues. He founded his first product in 2007. As of 2024, the founders of Melni Connectors have a net worth of $28.5 million.

Key accomplishments

2023has developed patented devices like the RadCrimp™ and Hyper-Splice® that are revolutionizing the electrical connector industry.
2021Melni Connectors has extended its reach and is shipping products worldwide.


From their beginnings on Shark Tank to their current status as a thriving business. They have proven that with the right idea and execution, anything is possible. We can’t wait to see the future for Spretz and its continued success.

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