Guide When You Need a Criminal Attorney
Anxiety and terror can be quite high when facing criminal charges. You’re not sure what to do next, and your future is uncertain. You might feel more at ease knowing that a criminal defense attorney has the skills and background needed to successfully manage your case.
Criminal attorney usually charge high costs in addition to a high hourly cost, however they are necessary to defend your case considering all criminal laws. Unfortunately, in an attempt to save money, a lot of people choose not to hire a criminal defense lawyer. But, this usually backfires, putting you in a precarious situation.Â
Legal help streamlines the process of obtaining reasonably priced legal counsel without the high cost. Throughout your legal battle, an attorney may prove to be your greatest ally. To learn more about typical offenses and how hiring a criminal defense attorney can help your case and future, keep reading.
Types of Crimes and Penalties
There are a wide variety of crimes with escorting penalties. The types of crimes, their names, and results will depend on the laws in your state. Crimes are typically categorized as infractions, misdemeanors, or felonies.
Infractions are minor types of crimes and usually do not involve jail time. Infractions include traffic violations and upsetting the peace. Misdemeanors are more serious criminal offenses. Punishment for misdemeanors can include fines, community service, reimbursement, probation, and jail.
The most serious kind of criminal conduct is a felony. Penalties for these offenses usually involve long sentences in prison. Examples of felonies are murder and arson.
A list of the most common categories of criminal crimes is provided below.
- Crimes Against Individuals
Crimes committed against an individual cause harm to the victim or the fear of impending harm. Both bodily and psychic injury are possible. Crimes against individuals are typically categorized as violent crimes or as homicides.
- Violent offenses
It would be considered a violent crime if the victim was hurt but not killed.
- Assault
An intentional act of assault usually places the victim in fear of impending danger. Although the victim of an assault is not physically hurt, they do feel as though it might happen at any time. Fear-mongering a victim is usually referred to in many places as “simple assault.”
Usually classified as a misdemeanor, assault carries fines and temporary jail terms as punishments.
- Battery
Physically harming and offensive contact with the victim is the result of battery.
Batteries are handled differently in each state. For example, some states refer to it as “aggravated assault” rather than “battery.” “Assault and battery” are phrases that are sometimes used interchangeably.
Depending on the specifics, the battery may be considered a misdemeanor or a felony with jail or prison time as possible consequences.
- Domestic Violence
When a victim’s spouse or intimate partner often resorts to violence against them, it’s referred to as domestic abuse or violence. These behaviors may be sexual, psychological, or physical. Domestic abuse is usually categorized as a misdemeanor unless specific conditions are met. The crime may be classified as a felony if there is physical harm, if it involves the use of a weapon, or if there has been previous domestic violence.
- Harassment
Any inappropriate behavior that causes someone to feel awkward or humiliated is considered harassment. Bases for harassment include sex, color, religion, and similar categories.
Harassment can be classified as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the specifics of the case and the laws of your state.
Types of Homicide
Crimes would be classified as homicides if they caused the victim’s death.
- Murder
Murder charges are handled differently in each state. There are two types of murder: first-degree and second-degree. First-degree murder is defined in the majority of jurisdictions as a deliberate and intentional killing. This indicates that the defendant planned the murder in advance and understood exactly what they were doing. Those accused of first-degree murder risk lengthy jail terms, occasionally up to a life sentence, and in the worst situations, perhaps even the death penalty.
Each state has its own specific differences between first- and second-degree murder. The main distinction in most cases is whether or not premeditation is involved.
The definition of third-degree murder is an unintentional killing. Typically, defendants accused with this felony simply want to inflict minor injuries and have no intention of killing.
- Manslaughter
Manslaughter is defined as the death of another person without “malice aforethought,” which indicates that the accused did not intend to gravely injure or kill the victim. Manslaughter charges are essentially brought against someone whose crime does not match the criteria for a more serious allegation like murder. Typically, manslaughter is classified as either voluntary or involuntary.
If you’re thinking about hiring a criminal defense attorney, the Weingart Firm is here to help. You decide what you want your lawyer to help you with—whether it’s drafting a defense strategy or representing you in court. We have a large network of criminal defense attorneys that are prepared to assist with your case.