Game Of Thrones And House Of The Dragon watch order guide

If you’re puzzled about the “Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon” watch order, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll delve into the epic saga of Westeros and introduce the ideal sequence for watching this acclaimed series. Furthermore, this guide will provide the best watch order for a journey through the Seven Kingdoms. So, get ready to immerse yourself in the power struggles, compelling storytelling, and rich history of the Targaryen dynasty.

How to watch Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon in release order?

The release order generally provides a viewing experience that reflects how the audience originally digested the story. Here’s how to begin:

Game of Thrones and House of The Dragon Release Order

  • Game of Thrones Season 1 [Apr 17 – Jun 19, 2011 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.3 (1, 750, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 2 [Apr 1 – Jun 3, 2012 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.4 (1, 220, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 3 [Mar 31 – Jun 9, 2013 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.4 (1, 150, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 4 [Apr 6 – Jun 15, 2014 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.5 (1, 330, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 5 [Apr 12 – Jun 14, 2015 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.0 (1, 250, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 6 [Apr 24 – Jun 26, 2016 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.3 (1, 050, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 7 [Jul 16 – Aug 27, 2017 | TV | 7 episodes × 60min. | ★9.21 (850, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 8 [Apr 14 – May 19, 2019 | TV | 6 episodes × 80min. | ★6.3 (2, 150, 000)]
  • House of the Dragon Season 1 [Aug 21, 2022 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min]

How to watch Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon in Chronological Order?

Chronologically revisiting “Game of Thrones” and “House of The Dragon” can offer new insights into the grand tapestry of Westeros’ history and the events that have shaped its present.

Game of Thrones and House of The Dragon Chronological Order

  • House of the Dragon Season 1 [Aug 21, 2022 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min]
  • Game of Thrones Season 1 [Jun 19, 2011 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.3 (1, 750, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 2 [Jun 3, 2012 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.4 (1, 220, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 3 [Jun 9, 2013 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.4 (1, 150, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 4 [ Jun 15, 2014 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.5 (1, 330, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 5 [Jun 14, 2015 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.0 (1, 250, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 6 [Jun 26, 2016 | TV | 10 episodes × 60min. | ★9.3 (1, 050, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 7 [Jul 16 – Aug 27, 2017 | TV | 7 episodes × 60min. | ★9.21 (850, 000)]
  • Game of Thrones Season 8 [Apr 14 – May 19, 2019 | TV | 6 episodes × 80min. | ★6.3 (2, 150, 000)]

For the most superb exploration of George R.R. Martin’s world, you should start with “Game of Thrones” (release order) and then move on to “House of the Dragon”. This order is beneficial for first-time viewers for several reasons. One is that it follows the release order, so you’re experiencing the story as the creator intended. For those revisiting Westeros, this sequence allows for new insights and perspectives.

Overview of the plot storyline and key elements of “Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon”

“Game of Thrones” and “House of the Dragon” are two television series that are popular for their intricate storytelling. They explore themes of loyalty, betrayal, and revenge in a world where rival factions are always scheming against each other. The two series are connected, with “House of the Dragon” showcasing the ancestors’ historical actions of “Game of Thrones”. The world-building and character development in both shows offer an immersive experience for fans of fantasy and politics. Compared to other shows, “Game of Thrones” and “House of the Dragon” take a darker and more mature.

How much time will it take to complete “Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon”?

Completing both “Game of Thrones” and “House of the Dragon” will require a significant time investment. With “Game of Thrones” and the “House of The Dragon, ” a marathon viewing would span over 73 hours.


The “Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon watch order” sets the foundation for your journey through Westeros. By following the recommended release order, you immerse yourself in the rich history and complex characters. Whether you’re a new or returning viewer, prepare to explore and savor the world of Westeros.

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