FloatNGrill Net Worth 2025 Update (Before & After Shark Tank)

As of 2025, FloatNGrill is out of business, with a net worth of $0.
Picture of Shark Tank Geek

Float ‘N’ Grill, founded by Michigan entrepreneurs Mike Bashawaty and Jeremy Quillico, introduced a floating propane grill for water enthusiasts.

In 2021, they appeared on Shark Tank, securing a deal with Daniel Lubetzky: $100,000 for 22.5% equity, a $100,000 loan at 7% interest, and 50% of licensing deals.

Despite initial success and increased visibility, the company faced challenges, including patent issues, leading to its closure.

As of 2025, Float ‘N’ Grill is out of business, with its website and social media accounts inactive, and products unavailable for purchase.

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FloatNGrill Net Worth

Net worth$1.2 million (2022)
Annual Sales Revenue$1.2 million (2022)
Lifetime sales$19,400 (2020)
InvestorDaniel Lubetzky
FoundersMikey Bashawaty and Jeremy Quillico
EmployeesNot available

FloatNGrill Pitch on Shark Tank

Company nameFloatNGrill
ProductA portable floating propane grill for seaside parties
EpisodeSeason 12 Episode 24
Founders Mikey Bashawaty and Jeremy Quillico
Asked for$200,000 for 20% equity
Final deal$100,000 + $100,000 loan for 22.5% equity + 7% plus 50% of licensing deals
SharkDaniel Lubetzky
LocationDetroit, Michigan

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FloatNGrill Founders

FloatNGrill was founded by Mikey Bashawaty and Jeremy Quillico in 2017. Mikey has an academic background in Mechanical Engineering and professional experience in Seasoned Diesel Technology. Jeremy comes from an educational background where he studied cybersecurity as his major. Before starting FloatNGrill with Mikey, Jeremy worked as a Senior Systems Administrator at Eastern Michigan University. FloatNGrill’s founders, Mikey Bashawaty and Jeremy Quillico’s net worths are unknown as of 2025; since the business is no longer functioning.

Key accomplishments

2019FloatNGrill was featured at the Detroit Boat Show.
2021FloatNGrill was featured in Shark Tank and secured a deal.


Some companies that appear on the show have not achieved great success, and the FloatNGrill was one of them. Sometimes businesses don’t succeed because of many reasons. Sometimes, the deal falls through after the founders say yes on camera. Or, as you’ll see, sometimes things happen to the founders themselves, and they choose to abandon the business. Anything is possible. However,  FloatNGrill appears to be out of business in 2023. And the product is no longer available in the market.


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