Cup-a-Bug Insect Catcher Net Worth 2024 Update (Before & After Shark Tank)

Cup a Bug Insect Catcher Net Worth Update (Before & After Shark Tank)

Cup-a-Bug Insect Catcher’s net worth is $500,000 as of February 2024. For the year 2022, the company has done $28,0000 in sales. Cup-a-Bug Insect Catcher, a safe bug-catching tool, was founded by Justin Huang in 2016.

In February 2024, they appeared on season 15 of Shark Tank USA and made a deal with Mark Cuban for $75,000 for 20% of equity. The final valuation was $375,000, down from the founder’s initial estimate of $500,000.

After a successful pitch, Justin received offers from two sharks and decided to proceed with Mark’s offer. The show gave great exposure to his product. It appears to be there is a boost in sales following the appearance on the show. You can place orders via the company website. The product is also available on Amazon. 

Cup-a-Bug Insect Catcher Net Worth

Net worth$500,000 (2024)
Annual Sales Revenue$28,000 (2022)
ProfitsNot available 
Lifetime sales$1 million (2024)
InvestorMark Cuban 
Investment$75,000 for 20% equity 
FounderJustin Huang

Cup-a-Bug Insect Catcher Net Worth Timeline

Net Worth 2024$500,000
Net worth valuation in 2024 after appearing on Shark Tank  $375,000
Net worth valuation in 2024 before appearing on Shark Tank  $500,000

Cup-a-Bug Insect Catcher Pitch on Shark Tank

ProductA safe bug-catching tool
EpisodeSeason 15 Episode 15
Founder Justin Huang
Asked for$50,000 for 10% equity 
Company nameCup-a-Bug Insect Catcher
Final deal$75,000 for 20% equity 
Shark Mark Cuban
LocationIrvine, California

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Cup-a-Bug Insect Catcher Founder

Justin Huang founded Cup-a-Bug Insect Catcher in 2016. Justin is a Mechanical Engineer by profession. He also has a keen knowledge of the business industry. Justin’s childhood fear of bugs inspired him to create this product. Cup-a-Bug Insect Catcher’s founder Justin Huang’s net worth is unknown as of 2024.

Key accomplishments

2022Justin launched the Kickstarter Campaign for his company. 
2024The company was featured on Shark Tank and secured a deal. 


From their beginnings on Shark Tank to their current status as a thriving business, they have proven that with the right idea and execution, anything is possible. We can’t wait to see the future for Cup-a-Bug Insect Catcher and its continued success.

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