Can You Really Fly on a Broomstick Like Harry Potter? Real-Life Quidditch Might Be Closer Than You Think!

Fly On A Broomstick Like Harry Potter! Could This Start A Game Of Quidditch In Real Life (1)

Harry Potter is one of the most loved movie franchises of all time. Many of us are still in awe of the magic of Harry Potter and the world of wizards! Quidditch is an iconic fictional game in the series with a broomstick. But have you ever thought that you could fly on a broomstick like Harry Potter? If so, look no further as this invention is about changing your reality!

Hacksmith Industries has surprised us again with its incredible project. From lightsabers, holotables, and now to flying broomsticks they are making our favorite fictions come to life! Let’s look more closely at this incredible project.

Image source: Hacksmith Industries

The broomstick design uses an e-foil surfboard as the main body of the device. Several changes take place in the e-foil to make the flying broomstick. The e foil surfboard board is removed and replaced with a broom. Just like the broomstick in Harry Potter! To keep the riding stable, more surface area is added to the bottom part of the surfboard. The rider can glide through the air like with the feeling of being in a game of quidditch. How cool is that?

YouTube video

The flying broomstick prototype has its lower parts underneath the water. But the top parts including the broomstick with the rider’s space are in the air! All the electronics inside the e-foil are waterproofed and paired with an ASI Speed controller. The speed controller hangs on to the rider as a backpack and gives the best chance of flying to the rider.

Surprisingly, the seat, the Peggs, and the knee rests are all individually adjustable. The back of the broomstick has lightweight foam. The foam helps with the floatation and for the top part to glide through the air.

Image source: Hacksmith Industries

Hacksmith Industries is a unique team that takes fictional ideas and transform them into real-life working prototypes. This innovation brings together Potterheads, tech enthusiasts, and geeks across the globe.


If you have ever thought of flying on a broomstick like Harry Potter? If u have, look no further as there is a broom for you to fly like in a game of quidditch! Hacksmith industries have innovated this exciting new device for all Potterheads, tech enthusiasts, and geeks. The incredible design of the e-foil with high power makes fiction a reality! Also, this discovery of this could mean that we can even have a real-life game just like in Harry Potter.

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