I often hear from business owners doubts and uncertainty about their own development team. The most common dissatisfaction is the failure to meet deadlines and a rise in the cost of work. At the same time the team quite logically explains the reasons for both, but the level of confidence in it begins to fall. Hire app developers can help you, but you should only turn to proven teams, with reviews and examples of their work. DoCode is a Fintech Software Development Company that handles projects of any complexity, you can also control the whole process, making changes as you go along.

It is interesting why until now no one talks about how to create a foundation for confidence in your it-team. Understanding the development processes for the CEO is his security and peace of mind. Yes, not every business owner has a technical background. But everyone, in one way or another, is faced with development, digitalization or business transformation. And businesses measure results by money. Development is measured by the number of successful releases, bug fixes, and the final uptime of a product. But both are actually doing one big thing: creating a quality product that is useful to the end customer and generates revenue. 

So how can entrepreneurs without technical knowledge understand programmers and make friends with development?

I believe that the key to success is the partnership between business and engineers. Engineers have vision, opinion and expertise. And businesses have their own goals. At the same time, engineering is always an expense in the budget, not a profit. Either the company, having spent the money on development, will get a profit, or development, from the business point of view, just burns up the budget.

The technical mindset of developers often focuses on beautiful code, using best practices, tuning, refactoring. This takes extra time for the development team. And businesses know that if a customer’s need isn’t met at some point in time, it simply becomes meaningless later. Let’s understand why communication problems arise and how you can fix them. 

Clarity of business goals and metrics for achieving them

Be transparent, put your successes in numbers on the corporate portal and make sure to tie them to business goals known to the team – you have achieved something (business goal) thanks to something (developer’s actions).

How does a director know when something has gone wrong in development?

People rarely wake up thinking “I’m going to cheat today. More often, there is no time/opportunity to talk about some nuances, or talking about them will cause so much trouble for the person that he/she would rather keep silent. Even in the work of super teams, there are situations when someone fails to do something, disrupts deadlines, and the project lasts much longer than planned. Most of these situations can be avoided by detecting them at an early stage.

How do you synchronize with your it team?

The answer is simple – talk to people. Ask questions:

Do they know what they’re doing development for? 

If the answer is no, then the question is for you – have you explained to the guys why we are here today? What kind of activities do you do, why does the team automate processes?

What happens if you don’t close a project on time?

The team must understand the negative consequences of problems and failure to meet deadlines or problems on the project. Be honest in advance – we may lose a key client. This means that the cash flow will be reduced and we will have to optimize the size of the team. And that goes against our values.

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