
African Elephants Have Names for Each Other, New Study Reveals

Elephants Call each other by unique names
Elephants Call each other by unique names- Image Sourse- (Irish Examinar)

New research revealed that African Elephants may call each other using individualized name-like calls. The study was conducted at Kenya Samburu National Reserve and Amboseli National Park. According to the scientist, Elephants can identify and communicate with each other with different acoustic sounds.

The name comes as a part of their rumble but they dont repeat the same sound. So the addresser and the receiver have different sounds. Let’s learn more about the story.

How did the scientists Study?

African Elephants Have Names for Each Other, New Study Reveals
African Elephants Have Names for Each Other, New Study Reveals

According to the study in Nature Ecology and Evolution journal, scientists collected recordings of the Elephant’s rumbles. They found that the Elephants call each other with unique calls without imitating sound.

The biologist used a special machine to record sounds over a decade to record sounds. Then they use a machine to demonstrate the calls. And observe how the receiver predicts the sounds no matter how similar they are.

Also, they found that they moved toward the speaker when they heard their calls. But they responded less enthusiastically to other calls.

“If you’re looking after a large family, you’ve got to be able to say, ‘Hey, Virginia, get over here!’”  Duke University ecologist Stuart Pimm, who was not involved in the study said to NBC News

Future Predictions With This Study

Not like other animals who repeat the same sound Elephants have complex communication methods. Moreover, scientists predict that not only the names they could have a whole language to talk with each other.

Also, they hope one day humans can communicate with Elephants. And this could be a great opportunity to alert them about threats and poachers.


African Elephants call each other by unique names. This discovery shows they have complex communication, and future research might help humans communicate with them to protect them from threats.

Researchers found that African Elephants call each other by unique names. They can communicate with one another like us humans. Read now to find out more.

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