“What to wear hiking in summer?” It’s a question that comes up often, and it can be tricky to find a detailed and precise answer. Do you need long sleeves when the sun is shining? What pans to wear hiking for the best experience? What clothing material is best for hiking in the summer? 

This post will tackle these questions head-on with some helpful tips for what to pack with Dinosaurized Survival Gears Store when planning your next hike! Let’s dive in!


What to wear for hiking in hot weather?

Tips On What To Wear Hiking In Summer

There are many tips on clothing and gear for you to keep in mind for a well-prepared hiking trip in summer with friends. Yet, the blog would turn into a long and tedious one if we list and explain all the small tricks. We will focus mainly on some of the most basic and important tips to make it easy to read and note! You can also check The Hiking Adventure for more information additional gears you need when going on a hike,

Consider Light Colors For Your Clothing: 

Opt for light colors that do not absorb the sun’s rays, unlike dark colors clothes that make you feel hotter. 

Do Not Hesitate to opt for Bushcraft Pants:

Choosing suitable pants to wear during hiking in the summer is as important as bringing with you a water bottle on the trip. This type of pants will provide you with extra moisture & water resistance, the best comfort and protection. 

Let’s give yourselves the best of best-hiking items from the Survival Bushcraft Pants list whether it’s Summer, Winter, Sunny or Raining Weather!

Choose Breathable And Loose Clothes: 

Instead of heavy, thick clothing that doesn’t breathe well and causes you to sweat excessively in the scorching heat, consider lightweight, loose-fitting clothes.


Breathable clothes for hiking!

  1. Open Vents:

Go for pants and shorts made especially for hiking may incorporate vents that help improve airflow on a summer day.

  1. Cover Up:

Though it may sound weird to wear extra clothes in hot summer, adding coverage can help protect us from UV rays! A light long-sleeve shirt and sun sleeves along with the neck gaiter from Deco Slides are great for people who have sensitive skin.

  1. UPF-rated Clothing

All clothing blocks the sun’s rays to a certain extent, but UPF rated clothes guarantee the best sun protection with their ratings of 15, 30, and 50+. 

  1. Don’t Forget About The Hat!

A brim sun hat will provide better protection from the sun than a baseball cap.

  1. Pick The Right Type Of Shock

If you put on cotton socks, they can wrinkle with pressure points which lead to sock slippage. It is best to use wool or synthetic socks because the material will not cause any problems with friction on your feet when moving about in shoes.

Smart Clothing Strategies: Materials

Do not forget that you must wear clothes made from suitable materials for the best hiking experience!


Choose suitable clothes material!

  1. Cotton:

Many hikers have a common misconception about cotton, as cotton is moisture absorbing and spends a long time drying out completely, which can create an uncomfortable situation on wet or cold days. 

Still, in hot and dry conditions, evaporating moisture creates coolness, leaving you feeling refreshed.

When it comes to wearing cotton, there are a few things you should know about:

  • If your skin is sensitive or easily irritated by wet fabrics next to your body (or chafes when rubbed against), make sure that the material doesn’t bother you at all before putting on any piece of clothing made out of this fabric. 
  • Be aware that some people don’t like how they feel in certain materials and need something with more stretch for their busy days. Therefore, synthetic clothes might suit them better than anything else! 
  1. Merino Wool:

Today’s wool clothing is soft and breathable, making it a great choice for hiking. Merino wool, in particular, has fine fibers that make the fabric quick to dry and not prone to retaining odors, so you can wear your clothes more than once without smelling bad!

  1. Polyester:

Synthetic fabrics are more affordable than merino wool, whereas wicks sweat fast and dry quickly. They also have an antimicrobial treatment that neutralizes odor-causing bacteria. These fabrics smell less funky because they’re made of polyester or nylon, which most often come from recycled materials.


Now, we are sure that you’ve got all the crucial knowledge about what to wear hiking in summer regarding gear and clothing. Make sure that you prepare suitable outdoor clothing for hiking in summer, which is breathable and lightweight but durable enough to withstand elements like wind, sun, water, and heat!

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