What is an addiction people might not realize they have?

Have you ever thought about what the word ‘addiction’ really means? Most people think it’s just about harmful substances, but it’s way more than that! Many of us have habits that might seem normal but can actually be bad for us, and we might not even realize it. Understanding these hidden habits is important because it helps us make better choices and live happier, healthier lives!
Recently Redditor asked in public, “What is an addiction people might not realize they have?”
Here is what the Reddit community thought about it. we have listed the most upvoted comments received for the above question on the AskReddit thread.
Shopping is a big one
Shopping might just seem like a fun thing to do, but it can actually become a problem—like an addiction. Some people shop so much that it starts to cause trouble in their lives, like spending too much money or buying things they don’t need. It’s important to be careful and think about whether we really need something before we buy it!
Phone addiction
Many people don’t realize they might be addicted to their phones. It’s like when we keep checking our phones for new messages, games or likes on our photos, and we can’t stop! This might seem normal but can actually make us miss out on real-life fun and harm our minds and friendships. It’s really important to know if we are spending too much time on our phones so we can enjoy other parts of life too!
Stress is something we all feel when we are worried or overwhelmed, and believe it or not, it can actually become a kind of hidden addiction! Some people might not realize it, but they might be seeking out stressful situations because of the rush it gives them. This can be really bad for our bodies and our minds, and it can make it hard to get along with others. So, it’s really important to notice this and try to manage our stress better!
Doomscrolling is when people can’t stop scrolling through their phones, reading sad or scary news. Many don’t realize it, but it’s like a bad habit. It can make us feel stressed or worried because we see so much negative information. It’s important to balance what we read and see, so we don’t feel overwhelmed by all the bad news!
Some people might not realize that being angry all the time can be like having a bad habit or addiction. When people are angry, they might feel strong or important, so they keep getting angry to feel better about other problems they have. But being angry a lot can make it hard to have happy relationships with family and friends and can make people feel sad or stressed inside.
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