Anti-Aging Tips to Keep Your Skin Forever Young 


At age 20, adulthood is just starting for you. However, while life races up at breakneck speed, the body does the complete opposite. As you age, the mechanisms of skin replacement and repair start slowing down. The problem is compounded in women because of other factors like hormonal shifts. This might be a surprise for a person who is just starting to see the best skin they have ever had. While your skin might appear like it is at its prime now, its look and health will be determined by your actions today. Therefore, this is the time to start building up good habits and discipline. Your choice of anti falten creme is equally important, and so is learning about WAS HILFT GEGEN FALTEN. In this article, we tell you secret anti-aging tips on how to stay young forever. Keep reading to learn more. 

Use a gentle cleanser

There are many benefits of cleansing our skin. Not only does it remove makeup and other skincare products applied during the day, but it also gets rid of pollutants, natural oils, and bacteria that have built up. Additionally, it makes it easy for skincare products to be absorbed better into the skin. 

However, using a harsh cleanser can be counterproductive. Opt for a gentle cleanser instead as it preserves your skin barrier and also makes it less prone to damage and dehydration. Avoid cleansers such as natural soaps as they tend to have a high ph and can put your skin at the risk of infection and irritation. To know which cleanser is best for your skin, you should carefully research the product information before buying, especially if it is used on intimate parts where the skin more is sensitive. Better go to to make sure you get the best product for it. 

Also, avoid cleansers that have sodium lauryl sulfate because it is usually incredibly harsh. At the same time, steer clear of cleansers that have fancy ingredients. Because cleansers are not designed to stay on the skin for long, those active ingredients have no use. 

Use an exfoliant (physical or chemical)

The rate at which the skin replenishes itself slows down as you age. It does not replace dead skin cells as fast as it used to. The result is that the skin looks uneven and dull. At worst, it may even crack. The best way to remove dead skin cells from your skin is to use an exfoliant. 

Exfoliants are categorized broadly into two types, which are chemical and physical. Steer clear of harsh chemical exfoliation products like beaded cleansers and sugar scrubs as they are only likely to make your skin at the risk of sagging. Rather, use a soft sponge or washcloth that isn’t harsh on your skin. 

Over time, chemical exfoliants will dissolve the bonds found between skin cells. Consequently, it allows the cells to detach. If you have maturing skin, the best exfoliants are alpha hydroxy acids, abbreviated as AHAs. Examples of AHAs include lactic and glycolic acid. Also, you can find the acids in at-home peels, serums, and toners. 

Another thing to note about AHAs is that they are suitable for fading and uneven pigmentation. They are also great for hydrating the skin. 


As you age, the body produces less and less sebum. This may be good for acne suffers as it means fewer chances of outbreaks. However, less sebum means the skin will dry more easily. Dehydrated skin is one of the leading causes of fine lines, but the good news is that all you need to fix is a good moisturizer. 

When shopping for a moisturizer, choose one that has water-binding humectants, for example, hyaluronic acid and glycerin. You can also use an occlusive such as petrolatum, better known as Vaseline. Another moisturizer motion is mineral oil when used at night. It prevents the loss of water via evaporation. But you run the risk of trapping germs and bacteria, which is why you need to ensure that your skin is clean before you start. 

Always apply sunscreen

Protecting yourself from the sun is one guaranteed way to prevent premature aging of the skin. Most of the visible signs on the skin are caused by the sun. The gravity of sun damage is so serious that it has been given a special name: photoaging.

Some of the ways UV rays can cause skin aging are:

  • Causing irregular pigmented patches to form.
  • Breaking collagen down and causing such abnormalities as elastin. This leads to wrinkles and thinner skin. 

The trick is to develop the habit of using a sunscreen every time you are out in the public. Applying a broad spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen every day has several benefits, including improving the texture of the skin, flattening out wrinkles, and fading age spots. That is because sunscreen allows the skin to avoid constant and continuous battering by the UV rays from the sun. 

This gives the powerful regenerating ability of the skin to work. 

But sunscreen isn’t the only way of protecting your skin. Another tip is to wear sun-protective garments. These include long-sleeved shirts, sunglasses, and hats every time you are out in the sun. You can also keep your skin safe from sun damage by avoiding the hot midday sun. This reduces exposure to carcinogenic UV rays that cause aging. 

Intentionally sunbaking is also not recommended. Instead, use a tanning lotion or fake spray if you want a genuinely healthy glow. These are deemed as WAS HILFT GEGEN FALTEN. 


Wrinkles and fine lines are the no.1 enemy of beauty. And although you can’t do anything to prevent aging, there are a lot of tips for delaying it. As well as using an anti falten creme, applying sunscreen daily, using a gentle moisturizer, using a cleanser, and exfoliating your skin can go a long way in keeping your skin in tip-top shape. It is also worth noting that WAS HILFT GEGEN FALTEN is to use a top anti-wrinkle product. When choosing the best anti wrinkle cream, look for ingredients like vitamin A, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), and ginseng, to mention but a few. Also, avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight to protect yourself from the harmful effects of Ultra violet rays. 

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