7 Ways to Increase Your Instagram Engagement Rate

Increase Your Instagram Engagement Rate


Increasing your Instagram engagement rate is crucial for building a strong online presence and connecting with your audience. For many, however, it is an elusive process despite their efforts. It doesn’t have to be this way.

With the right tricks and strategies from experts, it is possible to boost your engagement without putting your account at risk. Those who have succeeded in becoming Instagram moguls have used these secrets for years, which is responsible for their success.

We have done thorough research to find out what the secrets are. In the end, we have come up with practical ways to increase your Instagram engagement rate and, therefore, your visibility and reach. Stay with us as we elucidate them one by one.

Here are seven effective strategies to boost your Instagram engagement:

Post High-Quality Content:

Instagram was created to allow users to share videos and photos. Accounts with the best content usually attract a lot of likes and comments. One strategy to increase your IG engagement rate is to post top-quality content.

Share visually appealing and well-crafted images or videos. Think of the best videos that relate well to your audience. Ensure you use high-resolution photos and pay attention to composition. Any slight mistake or blurriness can annoy your potential followers or even make those already following you unfollow you. Nothing can be so disheartening. Make sure your content aligns with your brand identity.

You can also capitalize on graphics and infographics, especially if your brand is related to operational processes. People understand these types of instructions much better than audio or written instructions. Remember to work with experts on these complex topics, although it might cost you some money.

Optimize Posting Times:

People do not just post at any time of the day. Identify the times when your target audience is most active. This can be difficult to tell if you have no way of doing an analysis. Luckily, Platform comes to the rescue. Use Instagram Insights to analyze the performance of your posts.

Another great way is to experiment with posting at different times to find the optimal schedule. Analyze the behavior of a majority of your followers. At what time do they view, like, or comment on your posts? Take advantage of this information to be able to interact with many of them in real time.

Craft Compelling Captions:

Captions are simply descriptions that accompany photos on Instagram and other social media platforms. They can include @mentions, texts, hashtags, and emojis. Write engaging and meaningful captions that encourage interaction. You need a certain level of creativity to pull this off.

Ask questions to prompt comments and encourage conversations. Ensure the questions you ask are related to your niche. This will trigger and encourage meaningful engagement that can promote your brand by improving the education of potential clients or customers.

Use emojis to add personality to your captions. Thus, you can connect with your followers on a personal level through the emojis. Those who have applied this trick can attest to its efficacy.

Utilize Instagram Stories and Reels:

Share behind-the-scenes content to humanize your brand. Allowing your potential clients to have a sneak preview of what you do in the background can improve the authenticity of your brand and boost engagement exponentially.

Also, create interactive polls, quizzes, and questions in Stories. People love to interact by answering questions and taking polls. Polls give you the opportunity to maintain engagement because the participants will be willing to know and discuss the results.

You can also leverage reels for short, entertaining videos to capture attention. Instagram reels are among the longest in the social media fraternity, and this offers a great level of engagement. People have enough time to understand, enjoy, and comment on the short videos.

Host Contests and Giveaways:

Encourage engagement by organizing contests and giveaways. This strategy may not be relevant to individual owners of Instagram accounts, but it can work miracles for small businesses and even large brands.

Do not hesitate to ask users to like, comment, or share your post to participate. It will shock you just how many people love contests and giveaways. They will always be looking for another opportunity to participate. Go ahead and collaborate with other users or brands to expand your reach.

Engage with Your Audience:

Respond to comments promptly and authentically. If you are busy and can be online most of the time, find out when most people are active and dedicate a couple of minutes to checking the notifications. Respond to live comments first, and then deal with the prior one you found on the notifications.

Make sure you like and comment on posts from your followers and other accounts. Use direct messages to connect with your audience on a personal level. Here, you might want to be selective because not everyone in the audience is real. However, try as much as possible to respond to all authentic comments.

An Instagram account with high follower, like, and view counts is expected to have a decent level of engagement. This is only true if the followers are real and active. Purchasing high-quality Instagram followers can go a long way toward boosting engagement. While many sites claim to offer people chances to buy followers, only a few are genuine. Visit Stellarlikes for real followers, likes, and views that will help increase engagement with your audience.

Use Relevant Hashtags:

Hashtags are magic symbols that can help you target different audiences. Using these symbols segregates your Instagram contents so as to help the audience find them with ease on the platform. Research and use popular and niche-specific hashtags.

An excellent way to go about it is to create a branded hashtag for your community. It’s not a difficult thing to do, but it requires a high level of creativity so that you can relate well to your audience.

Apart from branded hashtags, you can participate in trending hashtags to increase discoverability. People will also know you are up-to-date with what is going on around you. The result is improved authenticity in your account.


Keep in mind to consistently monitor your Instagram analytics to assess the effectiveness of these strategies and adjust your approach accordingly. Building a genuine connection with your audience and staying consistent in your efforts are keys to increasing and maintaining a high engagement rate on Instagram. This will translate to greater brand visibility, better reach, and quicker growth of your customer base.

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