Where investors store cryptocurrencies 


When an investor chooses a storage mode it is also deciding on its security and management options. In this sense, it is a choice to be made with full awareness of both immediate and future benefits.

Therefore, optimizing the exchange of cryptocurrencies starts with having a reliable place to safeguard the assets, so we present some options.

Sites Where Cryptocurrencies Are Stored by Investors

The most common alternative is electronic wallets. These portfolios generate a personal account that allows you to send, receive and store assets. Almost all digital currencies have their own wallet that you can download from the official website.

However, there are others that accept various types of cryptocurrencies such as Exodus and Coinomi. These wallets handle many coins, but not all of them. An important aspect is that cryptocurrencies do not rest directly on the account, what is registered is a private key. This key represents, in turn, a public digital code related to the possession of a certain number of crypto assets.

Exchange platforms are another option. It is a larger infrastructure that is not just dedicated to protecting cryptocurrencies. They’re a kind of giant ecosystem for crypto-asset management. Each user has a little space inside that big space.

For this reason, transfers that run within that same platform are instantaneous. When performed from wallets, many of them can take between 3 and 4 hours to perform.

Platforms like Changelly offer you a BTC ETH calculator, instant transfers, meters, security systems and much more. This gives every investor a reliable storage location.

Why are they stored on these sites?

In the first instance, because the general description of the cryptocurrency contemplates that they are decentralized assets. Therefore, they cannot be stored in bank accounts because they are entities governed by formal legislation. Cryptocurrencies must be on sites specially designed to meet the requirements of this system.

The security provided by digital platforms and wallets is designed to shield cryptocurrencies from possible attacks. The vulnerabilities are not the same when it comes to fiat money. So you need to look for these solutions that provide enough layers of security.

The fact that wallets use keys and codes to manage cryptocurrencies is a sample of the storage parameters in which they operate. Moreover, these methods are used for convenience.

Transfer between wallets or within the preferred exchange platform, lowers commission prices and streamlines processing. In addition, platforms allow you to buy stellar with credit card cryptocurrencies. In addition, there are many types of wallets and platforms adapted to the user’s requirements.

Ventajas de estos almacenes

Entre los beneficios que ofrecen se encuentran:

Seguridad: el acceso es limitado solo para el titular de la clave privada. Esto implica que nadie tiene el poder de restringir sus movimientos o extraer fondos a otra cartera. La única manera en que un fraude ocurre es que el usuario haga una transferencia después de un engaño.

Anonimato: Las transacciones realizadas desde estas tiendas no revelan datos personales. Nadie puede interceptar información como Visa o MasterCard. En este caso, solo aparece un número de transacción, pero no se comparten datos.

Inmediatez: en general, las transferencias se ejecutan en el acto. Esto se aplica especialmente a los clientes que tienen cuentas en plataformas de intercambio. Cuando se trata de una billetera puede tomar de 2 a 3 horas dependiendo del caso porque el minero debe hacer la verificación.

Comisiones bajas: los intercambios en estos sistemas se realizan según el protocolo P2P, es decir, sin intermediarios. Esto ayuda a reducir los costos de transacción. Incluso, a veces los clientes tienen la decisión de elegir la comisión y, a veces hacer transferencias sin este cargo.


La mayoría de las personas que aún no han utilizado cryptocurrencies imaginar que son complicados de manejar. Pero, en comparación con los sistemas tradicionales, las carteras y las plataformas de intercambio están por delante en términos de seguridad, inmediatez y costos.

En grandes ciudades como Barcelona, España, están habilitando lugares llamados “calles bitcoin”, donde se puede comprar con criptomonedas. Este servicio ha cambiado positivamente parte del comercio en el país, por lo que se esperan más iniciativas como esta.

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