What are PDF Books? A List of Historical Fiction Books to Read on PDF Drive!

Did you know there are specific books you can only read on a computer and not buy as paper-printed books? These are pdf books or digital books. PDF books usually come in PDF format. You should download them to your computer if you want to read them. If you love reading historical fiction novels, here is a list of the best free downloadable PDF books about historical fiction that you can read and download using PDFDrive!

What Are PDF Books?

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It is a digital format that many computer programs can open. PDF books are readable on any device. It was invented in the early 1990s so that people could transfer documents between different computer systems. It can also be accessed on smartphones. A PDF file can be created by converting a text document or images into PDF format. To do this, you will need a program to convert the file, like Adobe Acrobat. 

PDF files can be printed and converted back into regular documents. PDF books are different from e-books that come in the EPUB file format because EPUB files are accessible only on mobile devices and desktop computers. PDF books have a lot of advantages over printed books, such as the ability to search text, print only selected pages, or print large documents. PDF books are also eco-friendly as they don’t consume ink or paper, unlike printed books. 

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

The novel War and Peace is a classic Russian novel by Leo Tolstoy. It is one of the greatest novels ever written. It is set during the Napoleonic era, around the year 1805. It follows the lives of several Russian aristocratic families and their participation in the events leading up to the French invasion of Russia in 1812. The story revolves around the lives of five families, their relationships, and how they are intertwined. The novel has been published in many languages and in many editions. War and Peace was a hit when it was first released in installments between 1869 and 1871. It has been highly influential in many different fields. It has inspired many artists. It is available in PDF format on PDF Drive.

The Alice Network by Kate Quinn

The Alice Network by Kate Quinn is a historical fiction novel set during the First World War. It follows the story of Charlie, a young Australian woman trying to find the fate of her long-lost relative. She travels to London and meets Eve, a former spy who may hold the key to finding the information Charlie is looking for. The two women begin an investigation that leads them to France and the dangerous world of spies, espionage, and the war surrounding them. The novel is an example of historical fiction, as it tells a realistic tale of the war and links it with a fictional story. It is an ideal read for those who love historical fiction novels set in the world of the First World War.

Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell

Hamnet is a fictional novel about the life of William Shakespeare. It follows his life from 18, when he is trying to decide what to do in life, to his death. It explores the life of Shakespeare. It includes his career as an actor, his marriage, his family, and his sudden fame as a writer and poet. Hamnet is an excellent read for those who want a fictional account of Shakespeare’s life. It is a fictional biography of Shakespeare and is an account of his life. 

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

A young Japanese girl is traded by her family to become a geisha, or a Japanese dancer and prostitute, in the novel Memoirs of a Geisha. It chronicles her adventures while living as a geisha, including her relationships and friendships. Arthur Golden penned the book, which was released in 1997. Since then, it has been transformed into a 2005 feature film and a 2018 Broadway musical. It is a story about friendship, love, and the hardships of finding your true self. It is a fantastic book to read if you enjoy historical fiction books with geisha settings.

The Advantages Of PDF books

They’re cheaper than printed books. Many publishers offer digital copies of popular books at a lower cost or free to entice readers to try out their titles. They’re easy to access and store. They don’t require a device like an e-reader and can be read on any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. You can easily send someone your file to share your reading experience. Another benefit of reading PDF books is that they are portable. When you download one, you don’t need to worry about taking it with you anywhere because it will automatically sync across all your devices. It means you can take your favorite book wherever you go without worrying about losing or damaging it. Reading PDF books also allows you to have a wide range of choices. You can even find new authors and genres that interest you by browsing through the book library on your device. Finally, reading PDF books allows you to keep track of your progress. You can access it using any device and track where you left off at any time.


Reading is a great pastime that can be enjoyed by all ages and also have many benefits for your health and well-being. From reducing stress and anxiety to improving your mood and helping you sleep better, reading is a great activity for your mental and physical health. Reading PDF books is a great way to get lost in an entirely new world. You can explore different cultures, people, and places without leaving your home. These are some of the best historical fiction PDF books you can read on PDF Drive. Now go ahead and explore the world of PDF books without fees with the help of PDF Drive!

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