The Differences Between A Virtual Assistant and A Chatbot

With artificial intelligence seeping into the market, chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming the most reliable way to maintain their relationship with their customers. In the market, a lot of ambiguity got associated with the two terms, but the role of both the technologies is completely different. A chatbot is mostly company or server oriented whereas a virtual assistant is user-oriented.

These two concepts form an integral part of a paper associated with AI research and thus you can include these two concepts for ‘my paper writing’. The differences in both these concepts can help you to identify the flaws and drawbacks of AI and you can analyse them by taking help from organisations who provide help with writing papers.

The Difference Between Chatbots And Virtual Assistant Based on Their Intelligence


  • They are usually text based and are designed to reply only to a preset limited statement or question.
  •  If the question asked is not in their system, the bots will fail to answer them. They cannot hold for long and make the conversation crisp.
  • They also use pictures and audio for interaction.
  • They provide ‘frequently asked questions’ type of conversation and thus cannot properly process language.

Virtual assistants:

  • They have a much-enhanced interactive platform.
  • They are designed to decode not only the language but the meaning of the user also.
  • Unpredictability can be provided to their behaviour and can learn from various instances. Thus, they have a long interaction with the customer.
  • They are also able to perform complicated tasks at the same time.

The Technological Difference in Them

Chatbots: two models are mostly used: the selective model and the generative model. The selective model is also known as the ranking model and is used to rank the user data with its preset memory data and in order to respond, it goes up to a specific sequence. The generator model has got layers of data and the questions of the user go through each of these layers to come up with the most appropriate response. They are trained with structured data. They are made with computer languages such as python and JavaScript.

Virtual assistants:  These are neural networks artificially made to learn from various situations. These are used to predict, classify and recognize on the basis of analysis. They cannot be made to learn even with the various APIs.

The Various Tasks Performed by Them

Chatbots: their usage is limited and do not possess sophisticated algorithms in areas related to automated purchases and customer support. It is based on certain rules and follows them only. They are unable to perform complex tasks. Most of the customer support systems include this type of automated response system.

Virtual assistants: they have a wider scope to perform tasks, for example complex tasks like based on a given set of features finding the best product for the customers or comparing two or more products. It also has the liberty to make decisions and is linked with e-commerce as well. The various activities that can be performed by a virtual assistant are controlling the different types of electronic gadgets in a room, updates regarding stock market and news, sharing jokes and playing music.

 One more significant difference is if you break the conversation with a chatbot, the bot will not remember the context of the previously discussed problem. But in contrast, a virtual assistant uses dynamic flow techniques for conversation to understand the problem of the customer.

To sum up, people prefer having a conversation with virtual assistants more than that of chatbots as virtual assistants are more user friendly and solve the problem from its depth. To know more about this topic, you can avail help from experts who write essay online.

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