You’ll be surprised to know that with 468.4 million European players, online gaming has flourished like nothing else. Not only is it one of the top forms of entertainment, but has also become an easy money-making idea for many. 

Plus, the pandemic has contributed even more to the online gaming growth. In fact, according to recent analytics, people using online slots have increased by 25%. The introduction of augmented reality and machine learning plays a huge role in the industry’s growth.

It has also been analyzed that online gaming offers a lucrative opportunity to users, making it a prominent reason for its tremendous growth. 

However, one thing that rules the online gaming industries is Big Data. 

What is it?

Technically speaking, big data refers to a complex and extensive set of information used to decode specific patterns. The industry experts have articulated the mainstream definition using three V’s- volume, velocity, and variety. 

Volume: Organizations use algorithms to collect information from various sources. These include transactions, media files, smart (IoT) devices, social media, and many others. Earlier, storing such information was a time-consuming and costly process. But, the advancements in technology and the introduction of cloud storage have definitely eased the burden. 

Velocity: Thanks to the growth of the Internet of Things, the information streams with an unprecedented speed to the businesses. Handling them promptly can elevate the chances of gaining quality insights, making it easier to decode the patterns. 

Variety: From structured to numeric, information can be retrieved in various forms. In fact, unstructured information, including text documents and financial transactions, can also contribute to the databases. This, in turn, allows the professionals to use different forms of data and gather quality information. 

Role of Big Data in the Online Gaming Industry

Data is practically the king of the industry. It allows the users to come across and play games according to their preferences. Not to mention, many companies use big data while drafting price and discount plans. It allows the professionals to understand the user behavior and makes it easier for them to create a better environment. On the other hand, the algorithms allow the players to decode certain patterns and make informed decisions. This way, it allows the organizations and players to thrive like never before. 

Follow along to get detailed insights on how significant it is to leverage big data in online gaming. 

  • Analyzes the user behavior

Thanks to innovative toolsets and analytics the industry giants are diving deep into consumer behavior. These toolsets use the play-through time and wish lists to prepare a database.  

The information gathered through the toolsets is then used to perform A/B testing, helping organizations draw interfaces that target potential gamers. It further makes it easier for them to offer related services, enhancing the customer experience. 

For instance, today, players are much more likely to be inclined towards games that offer reliable deposits and withdrawals. In fact, the retention rate of the user is also determined by the accessibility of the game. That’s the reason why players often look for platforms that primarily focuses on giving what they actually desire and look for while choosing their games. 

Thus, the algorithms are now helping organizations to keep up with the trends.

  • Turns players into creators

Online gaming companies are now embracing the concept of co-creation, increasing customer intimacy. Many online games such as SuperMario allow users to create their own versions. 

Information that is collected from several conventions allows the players to enjoy tailored experiences. Additionally, it adheres to the individual needs and wishes of the players. They can create their own storylines and add whatever they find exciting for better enjoyment. 

This, in turn, adds more value to the overall gaming experience, subsequently turning out to be profitable for the developers. 

  • Helps in making informed decisions

The gathered information is important for the gaming organizations and is also significant for the players. Undoubtedly, the online gaming industry has flourished over the past few years. It has also made it challenging for the players to make informed decisions. 

Although user reviews are the go-to-go option in such cases, they can still end up confusing the players. And that’s where big data comes into play. There are so many sources out there that can help the players get their hands on related information. This, in turn, offers quality insights to the players before selecting a game they find interesting. 

Information retrieved allows the players to ensure that whatever they are playing is worth their time and money. 

  • Allows the users to play the right games

One of the challenges that developers typically face is how to make their game visible to the right audience. Obviously, a person who is interested in shooting games wouldn’t feel much attracted to strategic games. 

And that’s exactly when studying algorithms is prioritized. The organizations take a peek and try to decode their target audience’s playing patterns. They take into account the users of the games, the ones that their friends have played, shared tags, or what their browsing history shows. The information retrieved allows them to share related recommendations with their audience. 

Using such algorithms and information can benefit both players and distributors. Users get better recommendations catering to their interests and help distributors with their marketing strategies. 

  • Helps in enhancing the skills

Player coaching is a newfangled step that has revolutionized the online gaming industry. It allows the distributors to make their products more engaging. Undoubtedly, the idea has gained a huge amount of traction, attracting various consumers and distributors. 

It involves tracking every move of the player and shares ways how they can do it better. The algorithms further debunk the playing pattern and share insights on the skills they need to brush upon. 

This, in turn, refines the skills of the players, enriching their overall experience. 

To sum it all up, 

Needless to say that advanced analytics and machine learning have captivated the online gaming industry. And big data is certainly a game-changer. Hopefully, the article was informative enough to shed some light on its importance in the industry. 

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