This Robotic Wheelchair Allows Users to Stand and Navigate Stairs with Ease


KIMM wheelchair is a robotic experimental wheelchair that creates a revolutionary wheelchair design. It lets the users stand and navigate stairs with great freedom. Limited mobility is a big challenge for people using wheelchairs. This improves the idea of creating self-controlled wheelchairs that provide easy movement for users.

With these features, the new wheelchair provides comfort and adaptability for its user. Let’s delve into this innovation and learn about it more deeply.

Its Practical Design

The innovative design bears the credit for its user comfortability. It has a central platform that comes with two different modules. They are the stair-climbing module at the bottom and the standing module at the top. The wheelchair uses “transforming wheels” to ascend stairs instead of crawlers. Also, this has a new technology of rigidity control mechanism that follows the surface tension of a water drop.

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Comfortness of Innovative Robotic Wheelchair
Image credits: yankodesign

Robotic support

Robotic technology helps the user to change their posture while sitting. Another impressive part is the standing platform. It is independent of the wheelchair and can be attached easily without changing the design. The manufactarer, KIMM showed their craftmanship through this remarkable innovation.

Improved mobility for the user

KIMM robotic wheelchair module facilitates smooth transitions of movements like standing, reclining, and leaning backward or forward. Additionally, this prevents the user from getting bedsores, resolves the pressure concentration, and improves blood circulation.



The user can easily control the wheelchair with a simple controllable mechanism. In addition, this allows the user to change the movements and direction without a complex system. With the assistance of this wheelchair, people can positively impact their lives.

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