Affiliate marketing – is the most promising and intensively developing direction of promoting companies (goods, services) on the Internet. With the help of various marketing tools, affiliates expand the target audience, increase sales and brand awareness. In 2022 there will be several significant changes in the segment under consideration.

The first trend emerging in affiliate marketing is shifting to an online format. Getting traffic will come from search queries related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The effect will continue through 2022, as millions of people are forced to spend time at home, at computer screens (mobile gadgets). From this comes another trend.

Promoting sites with content about travel or outdoor activities will slow down significantly. The conversion of such Internet resources will decrease. On the contrary, the flow of visitors to sites with content about home time activities will increase. Given this fact, affiliate marketing strategies will have to be adjusted.

In 2021 there is a tendency of falling profits from real estate advertising. The ROI in this segment decreased by 20%. Several companies will soon inevitably face a decline in organic traffic. Experts recommend not to hope that in 2022 the revenue from advertising of non-marketing products (services) in a pandemic will reach an acceptable level.

Affiliate marketing is rapidly becoming automated. Successful platforms, such as BrightEdge, can increase traffic by 50-60% by optimizing SEO. In 2022 the number of automated services for website promotion will increase significantly. Manual affiliate marketing will face difficulties. Specialists will have to consider seasonal factors, possible waves of Pandemic, and new trends in technology.

Affiliate marketing has moved beyond B2C companies. B2B organizations are expanding their presence in this segment. They are using their affiliate programs to attract customers. Their growth will peak in 2022. Affiliate programs for online hosting make the most of it, providing the highest payouts.

The listed trends are not exhaustive. It can expand depending on the conditions of the segment. Nothing can be predicted for sure in today’s world, but let’s hope the experts were correct in their calculations.

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