Pizza has to be one of the best creations on our planet. It is absolutely delicious, however, there are so many foods out there that are mouthwatering and gorgeous, but not vegan. What about pizza? 

We know you are wondering if you can make yourself a tasty vegan pizza dough, and the answer is yes, not only will we explain pizza dough to you, but we will give you a simple recipe to try out yourself, that you can easily prepare at home. 

It doesn’t take long to make, and you’ll be able to enjoy your perfect pizza whenever you want. 

Is Pizza Dough Vegan?

The burning question! Is pizza dough vegan? Well, yes, most are. However, a few will use yogurt to lighten it. But for the most part pizza dough is vegan. 

The main ingredients are yeast, white flour, and water, some recipes may include other ingredients, but these are the main three ingredients. 

If you are eating out and want a pizza, you can know that your friends’ pizza dough and your vegan pizza dough are likely made the same way, and it is still vegan.

Some people ask does pizza dough have eggs, and some people might include eggs, but it is not actually needed, and most pizza dough will not. 

Recipe For Vegan Pizza Dough

All you need to make a tasty vegan pizza dough that is quick to make and suitable for any situation, you only need a few ingredients. 

  • Bread flour/ All-purpose flour. 
  • Oil (olive oil is best).
  • Water (Lukewarm).
  • Dried yeast activated.
  • Sugar.

Some may worry if yeast is vegan, but it is, so do not worry. All of the ingredients are totally vegan. You can substitute some of these if you would like to, however, for the recipe to work best, you want to use the aforementioned ones. 

  1. Yeast

Get a bowl ready and combine your sugar, water, and yeast. The water should be around 98 Fahrenheit. Mix them together, cover it and set it aside as the yeast takes form. 

  1. Combine Ingredients

Get a larger bowl, and mix the flour, and some salt. Then stir in your activated yeast mixture and the olive oil. Stir it together with a spoon until the dough comes together, 

If you need to adjust the dough if it is too wet or too dry, then add more flour or more water. Do not forget to add a tablespoon of flour and no more per time. The same stands for adding more water.

  1. Kneading

Like any bread form, you also need to knead the dough. You can do this by hand, or using a mixer on low speed. You should knead the dough for a good 5 minutes or so until it is soft and elastic. If you are working it by hand, lightly flour the surface below, so it doesn’t stick.

  1. Rising

Your dough will be ready when it is elastic. Test this by pushing on the dough with a finger, if it bounces back and doesn’t stick, it is perfect. 

Now move it to an oiled bowl, and wrap it to cover. Place it in a warm area, a preheated oven turned off can help it rise faster. 

  1. Kneading

Once your dough has doubled in its size, put it on a floured surface again and knead for another 2 minutes.

  1. Roll

Depending on how large your dough ball is you may want to divide it into relevant sizes. Roll out your dough to create your pizza base. Now add your toppings, put your pizza onto a baking tray, pop it in the oven, and you have yourself a pizza. 

Don’t Forget Your Toppings

Never forget your toppings. You can add so many different things to a pizza. If you have a bit too much dough, you could always make a garlic bread with your pizza base instead. 

Here are some topping ideas to get you started.

  • Broccoli
  • Vegan cheese
  • Vegan ham
  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Bell peppers
  • Chili peppers
  • Olives
  • Mushrooms
  • Asparagus
  • Grapes
  • Hummus.
  • Zucchini
  • Con
  • Sun dried Tomatoes
  • Basil
  • Spinach
  • Black Beans
  • Lentil Meat

Enjoy Your Vegan Pizza

Most pizza bases are vegan, however, making your own is pretty easy, so you do not need to go above and beyond to get yourself a delicious vegan pizza. You can easily make one in the comfort of your own home, and you can do so with simple ingredients.

All the ingredients listed above in the pizza base recipe are things you will usually find in your pantry anyway, so what are you waiting for? Get baking! 

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