Being an entrepreneur is a choice made by many people for different reasons – whether for the flexibility of being their own boss, to pursue a course that isn’t available in employment, or maybe to make a difference in the world. But anyone who wishes to do this will need to learn skills that will enable them to build a business that’s successful – and rewarding.

Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs take many forms, but they all have one thing in common: they recognize a business opportunity and have the drive and determination to take advantage of it.

Entrepreneurs are renowned for exceptional resilience. This is because, unlike traditional employment, there are no right or wrong ways to succeed.  This means that it needs a great deal of mental power and commitment. Competition is likely to be fierce, and you must often innovate to meet obstacles that come your way – even to the extent of taking risks.

Strengths of Successful Entrepreneurs

It’s easy to thank that experience and expertise in a sector are the key factors that determine success. But in fact, successful entrepreneurs need to develop a set of other abilities which have helped them achieve their objectives. These are personal characteristics that are often acquired by experience, as well as the kind of skills, like communication, which can be learned through training courses.

Decisiveness and Confidence

It is often necessary to take command of conversations and give your own thoughts and beliefs. Of course, pay attention to people who make valid points, but you must also know when to say no. To win respect and trust from others around you, be consistent while remaining open-minded. In short, you must know what you believe in, and be willing to defend your convictions.


You must be brave enough to act on your ideas and plans so you can harness the power of creativity. And although you must thoroughly research your ideas, you must also have the bravery to take a risk and try things you may not have done before.


When things get bad, it’s tempting to give up, but successful entrepreneurs keep going. They want to be successful and strive to reach small milestones that lead to a larger goal. They work hard and will do whatever it takes to make their business a success. So if you are going to be successful, you won’t hunt for shortcuts and will be willing to spend the time necessary to do things properly.


Patience is another key to success. Many of the most successful business leaders have been beaten by setbacks. But instead of viewing these events as failures, they have seen them as critical learning opportunities. They maintain their optimism and determination, and make the necessary changes to their plans.

Effective Communication Skills

Communication is undoubtedly the most important business skill, but have you ever wondered why? 

Well, you can have the most brilliant plans in the world, but they will fail if you can’t carry people – that’s customers, suppliers, staff and other stakeholders. Your ability to communicate will not only help you to attract your first customers but will also assist in nurturing connections and retaining them over time. Any successful entrepreneur will learn the art of persuasion among a general improvement in their communication skills. 

They must also be able to communicate successfully in different settings, for example one-on-one conversations, group discussions, written communication, and email or text messages. And if you really want to see how you measure up, it’s a good idea to test your communication skills

Taking a Communication Skills Test

An online communication skills test is one of the most effective ways to assess your skills in this area. A communication test will assesses your ability to communicate, and is an excellent way of screening candidates prior to interview.

A great example of this is the 3-minute communication test offered by online training specialists ZandaX. This has been thoroughly researched and designed to analyze the core parts of your communication style. It allows you to evaluate your abilities and instantly receive a customized report that identifies your strengths and limitations. It’s also free, which always helps…

By taking this kind of communication skills test, you will be able to see how well you actually communicate (it may surprise you…), where you need to improve – and what you can do about it. In this way, you will maximize your chances of success in an entrepreneurial career.  What’s not to like?

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