Forbes predicted that in 2020, almost 83% of the enterprise workload would be shifted to cloud platforms and as the predicted world has shifted toward cloud storage and still going on. If you want to shift your business to cloud and grow it, you need to find a secure and well-reputed block storage platform like

What cloud computing does is help you to expand your infrastructure and save your space, time, and computation by delivering hardware and software resources remotely.

Cloud computing has been categorized into three layers:

Software as a Service: Run software without installing, and the software will be managed by Cloud Company remotely.

Infrastructure as a Service: Availability of resources like storage and network capability on user’s demand.

Platform as a Service: The middleware between infrastructure and software application is a platform as a service.

Challenges in Cloud Computing

With ease, there are always some risks involves, so there are some challenges that cloud storage has to deal with.

Security: Greatest challenge with cloud services is security. Because your hand over your data to a third party and the internet is full of attacks, whenever you work with data, you never know what could happen to it.

Password Guess: Most people use a password that is common in their lives, making it easy to guess. That’s one of the biggest problems to develop a secure authentication manner.

Cost: Cloud computing gives you functionalities like software, the internet, and other resource usages on your demand on a monthly or yearly rent basis which is expensive. 

Lack of Expertise: Cloud computing is still evolving, so proper training or hiring experts is important.

Internet Availability: Cloud gives you access to resources remotely, so 24/7 internet connectivity is the most important challenge.

Policies Implementation: Complete control of our data is in our cloud services provides hand, so it is essential to implement all the agreed-upon policies to make our data more secure.

Compliances/Government Policies: Cloud service providers must follow the rules set about data movement by relevant government bodies.

Multiple Cloud Management: The concept of multiple public clouds and multiple private clouds and hybrid cloud computing is increasing, and so are its management issues.

Creating Private Cloud: Private cloud is secure because all data stays within your limitation. But to build it and run it smoothly, a well-trained team or IT expert is needed who is available 24/7, which is not possible right now.

Performance: When you move your business to any cloud service, your business performance depends on your provider’s performance. So to locate the right hosting company can enhance your business performance.

Adoption: This challenge is not regarding cloud computing but about organizational adaptability to adopt cloud infrastructure. 

Migration: Moving old software to cloud storage for any company is not a straightforward process and becomes a nightmare for companies sometimes.

The different uses of cloud storage?

There are many different types under this umbrella of cloud storage, including;

Cloud Storage: This service stores all your data and gets regular access to it, mostly synch with your device. 

Cloud backup: This service specifically deals with system crash to get recover immediately if any failure happens. 

SaaS: Software as a service used by most companies as web services, like office 365, G-suit, WordPress, and many more. All these are an example of cloud based applications. 

Cloud Hosting: Information sharing is made easier with these solutions, including email services, web-based phone systems, and data storage.

How do companies use cloud storage?

Data storage and resource providing is not only the use of cloud storage; big companies use it productively to improve usability, security, cost-effectiveness, easy file sharing, system automation, synchronization, data analytics, scalability, and data replication are other productive uses of cloud storage.

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