5 Keys to Smart Data Center Design

The world produces a staggering amount of data each day, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is driving that data production even higher. The numbers are so big, most people can’t grasp them.

Did you learn about exabytes, zettabytes, and yottabytes in school? These are unimaginably large numbers. Did you know Google gets over three billion search queries per day?

Where does all that data go? It’s stored in huge data centers. If you’re in charge of a company’s data, you know that the right data center design is crucial to success.

Let’s take a look at five keys to smart data center design.

1. Ensure Redundancy

Downtime equals lost money. The data center must have reliable connectivity to the network systems as well as reliable power.

Not only must your data center have backup generators, but uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) are also key. The UPS comes on in the event of a power disruption and keeps things running while the backup generators come online.

Ensure your data center has enough redundancy to support your data through a major power outage.

2. Physical Components and Structured Cabling

All the hardware needs connecting and that’s done with copper and fiber optic cabling. Although a small in-house data room can handle a small amount of cabling, as your system grows, it gets complex.

Manage your cable systems well from the start so you don’t have complex problems in the future. Deploy smart strategies using structured cabling and pre-terminated cables. Always use high-quality cables and avoid reusing cables to save time or money.

Document all cabling, including installation dates and type of cable. This helps you avoid wasting time later during new installations or repairs.

3. Cooling and Power Efficiency

Cooling and power efficiency are two of the biggest challenges for most data centers. Energy demands grow quickly as the data grows. Keeping the equipment cool is crucial for reliability.

Structured cabling helps keep the cooling costs down by allowing better airflow. The good news is that modern data centers are much more energy-efficient than their predecessors. Your money is well spent deploying newer, energy-efficient cooling technologies in your data center.

4. High-Density Capacity

You need high-density capacity servers in your racks. Look for a DPU server – a programmable processor combining three elements:

  • A multicore CPU
  • A high-performance network interface
  • Acceleration engines that are flexible and programmable

There’s no compromise on this element of the infrastructure of your data center design.

5. Security

Data centers are targets and you need both logical (multifactor authentication) as well as physical security. Unauthorized access to IT assets is a real threat.

Include traditional security measures for the physical infrastructure and advanced features, such as biometric scanning, to secure your data.

The Right Data Center Design

Data center design is important for the future of your company. The right solution takes into account redundancy for the safety of your data. The physical infrastructure, structured cabling, security, and cooling and power efficiency are key elements in the system concept.

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